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RE: Crowd Story - Solemn In The Winter - Participate in the Comments!

in #story7 years ago

2 Taken aback, she replies, "You ruined it, you ruined it! All that intense silence for this??? I thought you were gonna ask me to marry you! And hear I hear you babbling about pot that fights cancer?! What am I? Three?? I'm breakin up with ya, you sick mofo, go smoke all the pot you need. No use putting you into rehab for the third time. I got better ways to spend ma money. Bbye! tun-tun-ta!!!" Suddenly Jacob reaches out and grabs her firmly by the hand.

[hey no offence mate just my part of the story 😉]


None taken. Mine was a continuation of the comment before mine, he said he had cancer in that one, and she (as i wrote but maybe you didn't notice) was tryna make it seem less sad.

OMG I'm really sorry @lordmok I misread 'she' as 'he' and thought he had said all of that. I honestly apologise for ruining the type of continuation you wanted to bring to the story as I now realise it, and I mistook it to be something else. Sorry man my bad 😐 🤦🏻‍♂️😓

It's alright man, it happens.