Ok, i'll bite one last time, but only because you are being hilarious I think.
Your "substance" is ludicrously out of context. FIAT is forced so obviously it is presently "favored" by the majority of people....come on. If you understood central banking, i mean at all, or some of the more egregious and massive capital frauds perpetrated within the FIAT system (QE, LIBOR and all the other BOR's, commodity markets, housing market to name but a few) you could not possibly believe that Bitcoin, over 90% of the crypto market has a higher level of fraud.
In addition.....surely you must understand that people who have been captured within a system that undermines their economic integrity, the quality of information they have and their health will not so easily comprehend and switch to new and complex technologies that are in the process of being built and understood?
You seem to be making these foolish statements deliberately in order to try to get a rise, or you are misinformed or perhaps a bit of both. Either way, your tone is unnecessarily unpleasant so I don't care to find out which.