
Must have been in Split, was there some years ago, the most beautiful place in all of Europe.
And yes, kids are indeed assholes.



👍Write more - you've got readers @Beograd.


You tell stories very well, could really see the images you were painting with your words there. From the pee pee to the vein in her neck it was all good story telling.


Haha I thought you were gonna talk about some really fucked up shit?? I came here expecting debaucherous childhood trauma, or some shit like that after last night's convo. I came here expecting no funny times... But it is all a little funny. You'r fucking with me, I know it. j/k


Oooo I see trying to make me feel guilty with some war torn gritty story. Well I will have you know I am queen of gore and the macabre, you will have a hard time disturbing me.


Lol you will know when I'm flirting with you, trust me. Some friendly banter is all.

I'm a dude and I'm not going to flirt with you😂 Nor am I going to pee on you. It's amazing the pieces off shit you look up to as a kid and can only wonder where they are now. Toma is probably in Italy, because where else do Serbians go? Lazars sister probably has ten kids.

Am I right to assume that wasn't the last time you were held at gunpoint?


I always get Serbia and Albania mixed up. I really have to stop doing that.

Oh man, what a story. The things kids get up to.


Oh, I'm not some stuffy accountant or something! I'm a mechanic and at least 90% of the people I have worked with in my 19 years of jobbing are guys. Hearing stories like this is common but always funny. :D


Holy shit, that was a rollercoaster of emotions. A+ content. I want to read more.

Kids are assholes and childhood is vicious. It's a wonder any of us get through it alive!

But this story makes my childhood look like a walk in the park. With no masturbation.

So how do you feel about Serbia being the default location for any messed up stuff writers come up with? If it's seamy and involves Asian girls, we think Thailand. White girls, we think Serbia (or eastern Europe in general).

Is it because every Serbian woman I've met in the states was a 10/10 stunner?
