Arachnid vs Wizard

in #story8 years ago

Seems Arachnophobia abounds, including Fear and loathing
The Tarantula Dharma
Web-ster she's not,
Ground sweeper she be,
Keeper of the Ley Lines,
She don't climb a tree -Ol' Wizards Proverb Over @papa-pepper's


Spiders are our friends, even the hairy, scary ones. We need them almost as much as we need bees.

I appreciate your response @lifeworship. Excellent video. Thank you.

I avoid killing any critters anymore, but spiders have always been one that I usually just let chill in the window sill. :)

Good on you,bro :)
Being in agreement, with life, of life, and for life, reflects back manyfold.

I think we should do a post to buy a rat for @papa-pepper and call it @pepper-rat :)

@pepper-rat has a nice 'ring' to it.

Apologies I strayed from spiders here ... your post inspired rats for some reason. I don't know why??

No apologies when hilarity is induced. The stay at the steemt resort is all inclusive and going wide brings extra benefits :)

"5 Margaritas please barman!" :)

I apologize, i'm just the resident wizard filling in during shift change.
The nsfw lounge beauties will be at you service momentarily. Thank you for your patience ;)

"I'll take two @azzurra92's and sexy @lovelylaurence please ... Thank you Sir!"