This story happened to Prophet Muhammad SAW before his death.

in #story7 years ago


Kisah ini terjadi pada diri Rasulullah SAW sebelum wafat.
Rasulullah SAW telah jatuh sakit agak lama,
sehingga keadaan beliau sgt lemah.

Pada suatu hari Rasulullah SAW meminta Bilal memanggil semua shbt dtg ke Masjid.
Tidak lama kmdian,
penuhlah Masjid dgn para shbt.
Semuanya merasa rindu setelah agak lama tidak mendpt taushiyah dr Rasulullah SAW.

Beliau duduk dgn lemah di atas mimbar.
Wajahnya terlihat pucat,
menahan sakit yg tgh di deritanya.

Kemudian Rasulullah SAW bersabda: "Wahai sahabat2 ku semua. Aku ingin bertanya, apakah telah aku sampaikan semua kpdmu,
bahwa sesungguhnya Allah SWT itu adalah satu2nya Tuhan yg layak di sembah?"

Semua shbt menjwb dgn suara bersmgt,
" Benar wahai Rasulullah,
Engkau telah sampaikan kpd kami bahwa sesungguhnya Allah SWT adalah satu2nya Tuhan yg layak disembah."

Kemudian Rasulullah SAW bersabda:
"Persaksikanlah ya Allah.
Sesungguhnya aku telah menyampaikan amanah ini kpd mrk."

Kemudian Rasulullah bersabda lagi,
dan setiap apa yg Rasulullah sabdakan selalu dibenarkan oleh para sahabat.

Akhirnya sampailah kpd satu pertanyaan yg menjadikan para shbt sedih dan terharu.

Rasulullah SAW bersabda:
aku akan pergi menemui Allah.
Dan sblm aku pergi,
aku ingin menyelesaikan segala urusan dgn manusia.
Maka aku ingin bertanya kpd kalian semua.
Adakah aku berhutang kpd kalian?
Aku ingin menyelesaikan hutang tersebut.
Krn aku tidak mahu bertemu dgn Allah dlm keadaan berhutang dgn manusia."

Ketika itu semua shbt diam,
dan dlm hati masing2 berkata "Mana ada Rasullullah SAW berhutang dgn kita?
Kamilah yg byk berhutang kpd Rasulullah".

Rasulullah SAW mengulangi pertanyaan itu sebyk 3 kali.


  • ENG


This story happened to Prophet Muhammad SAW before his death.
Rasulullah SAW has fallen ill for a long time,
so that his situation is weak.

One day Rasulullah SAW asked Bilal to call all shbt dtg to the mosque.
Not long ago,
full of mosques with the shbt.
All feel longing after a long time do not mend taushiyah dr Rasulullah SAW.

He sat gently onstage.
His face looked pale,
holding tgh pain in his pain.

Then Rasulullah SAW said: "O my friends all, I want to ask whether I have told all to you,
that Allah is the only God worthy of worship? "

All shbt in voice,
"Yes, O Messenger of Allah,
You have conveyed to us that Allah is the only God worthy of worship. "

Then Rasulullah SAW said:
"Praise God.
Verily I have delivered this trust to mrk. "

Then Rasulullah said again,
and every what the Messenger of Allah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sakan always justified by the Companions.

Finally comes to a question that makes the shbt sad and touched.

Rasulullah SAW said:
I will go to see God.
And as soon as I leave,
I want to get things done with humans.
So I want to ask you all.
Do I owe it to you guys?
I want to settle the debt.
I do not want to meet with God in a state of debt with humans. "

When it's all shbt silent,
and in their hearts each said "Where is the Rasulullah SAW owing us?
We are byk owed to the Messenger of Allah ".

Rasulullah SAW repeated the question sebyk 3 times.



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