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RE: Sunday Meditation Series: What Ripples Am I Sending Out into the World?

in #story7 days ago

It's pretty impressive how much Marcus Aurelias is quoted here on Hive. Believe it or not, that's the third or fourth time I have seen him quoted in just the past week and probably three or four times that in the past six months. I never would have guessed he was quite so influential. I wonder what he would think to know that his personal journals are still being quoted today. I don't think I could say the same for my personal journals...


I think the times Marcus Aurelius lived in were very similar to the world we live in today. Perhaps because the Roman civilization was on such a similar trajectory is why his writings resonate so much in our culture? Ryan Holiday has made a good career out of resurrecting Stoicism.

That could be. It certainly feels like we are on a certain path and it doesn't feel like a good one.

Yes, very chaotic. In the short term I think we're in for some turbulent years, paradigm shifts are often that way. Hopefully there's something far better on the other side of it.