Alladin's generosity mobilized all the people of the town, knowing that he is a generous man, he was always helping poor people, giving them food and money, distributing their wealth, that helped Alladin his big heart.
But I imagine the father of the bride, despite the fact that he did not let Alldin speak at first, his rage and pain blinded him from asking for Alladin's head, even knowing that this would not bring his daughter back, he was only blinded by hatred and sadness.
But the Sultan was amazed by the great fear of the crowd, he knew that Alldin would kill an entire kingdom that would rush towards him, since the love that the people showed him would save him.
Now Alldino has 40 days to get his beloved, but without a clue as to what happened, because everything that was in the palace disappeared...
How could Alladin get to the princess, knowing that the evil one was that she took everything from him.