Well, if you haven't sacked out already, here's a thought or two to console you...
In "eternity," "time" is not necessarily what it is here. Just as multi-threaded, multi-tasking computers behave here, in the Glory, "time" will serve us and not the other way around. Jesus, who is God, will have as much "time" for you as you will need or want with him. His door will always be open to you when you want to see him.
Of course, the other important truth to hold to is this. In eternity, we will all be one with Christ, thoroughly and completely. Consequently, we will value the time we spend with each other as if we were spending time with the LORD.
I hope that helps? :D
Yup. I get it. It's like the hub of a wheel. Time that is. It doesn't move in eternity. And because it's in Him we live and move and have our being....we'll be one...whatever that looks like. Altho I get it....it goes away like a glimmer and then I try to figure it out and on and on. Rest.
P.S. Thanks for reading "this story." ;)
If you write it, they will come.