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RE: Whispering Hope - +Forbidden Tales+ From Your Bright Future

in #story7 years ago

Thank you, John. More of the story to come, but I won't guarantee you'll like all of it? Heaven isn't exactly what we've been "spoon fed" to think it will be... ;)

And no, I didn't know you were a Willie fan. But his was the best cover of "Whispering Hope" that I found to go with my tale...

Your prayers and encouragement are greatly appreciated. :D

And, I really didn't think I had been "gone" for six whole days. In fact, I had to look at the date stamp on my Antarctica story to believe it! :D


Please don't write anything curmudgeon, please. I get enough of that "spirit" at home :)

Aw, shucks, have you read any of my "Bible Curmudgeon" series?

It's all about the mental debates and arguments I have with the bible translators... ;)

Maybe (after you have some "cawfee" in you) you might brave reading one or two? ;)

I actually have several bible series, and some more "in the wings..." Like the upcoming series, "A Geek Looks At The Bible."

Maaaaybe I will ...... but I will only debate with inside voice ....I've done enough of apologetics to last me eternity. Ugh. I find it exhausting. Give me the link please and I will take a boo at it....with a cup of true north coffee :)

Hey, I don't want to ever coerce you out of your comfort zone...

I want you to go voluntarily! ;)

But, as you have asked, I will give you a link to one out of my Curmudgeon series... Perhaps the least polemic of all:

"Hallowed Be Thy Name" - Thinking About Jesus

I suspect you'll happily get by with decaf on this one... But do let me know? ;)

I read it. It was beautiful. I agree with what you said - why curmudgeon? I didn't hear a tirade at all. I heard passion, respect for and awe of our Creator — the Word made flesh and dwelt amongst us. I didn't need coffee, just water. :)