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RE: My Personal Thoughts on "Logan"

in #story7 years ago

Thought the movie was amazing, but I felt it dragged a bit too long in some places, but not enough to take anything away from it. Love the way that El Paso, Mexico City, border checks, Spanish speakers, etc. were integrated into the story. Real people, real places. It added a level of grounded realism to the story and shows the value of occasionally having a comic book story that isn't centered around New York, DC, LA, San Francisco, etc. Plus, it further connected the movie to the Western genre! All in all, I loved it.


This movie was made to pander more towards a strong narrative arch than the usual comic book fare we were so used to. I'm glad you see the good in a movie like this. It is trying to be different but, from my point of view, latching onto our emotions on a more personal level.

Interesting viewpoint from you though, my friend. Thanks for commenting. :)