An endless war, After the Emperor has decided to abandon and destroy the station a team was sent in to retrieve those valuable to the glorious Empire. The shadow trooper squadron came down, they entered the station, took out everyone of value, mostly destroyed the station and murdered everyone else, or so they thought. When they arrived to the old decrepit platform a swarm of stormtroopers attacked them, they were mostly successful in their defense.
The station is falling apart. The great tower that used to send signals all across the galaxy has almost crashed to the ground, now leaning at an insane angle. Fire and smoke is coming our of all the cracks and openings. The grenades thrown by the squadron have made massive damage. The inside of the building is like an inferno. It is just a matter of time before the tower will crash to the ground.
After hours of waiting and defending against stormtroopers, who weren't pleased with the fact that they were going to be left to die, salvation has finally arrived in form of a large imperial ship the likes of which they haven't seen before. It's strange shape and strong lights blinding everyone in front were mesmerizing. The door opens like a drop bridge and a stormtrooper calls for them to get in. They gladly rush in, admirals entering first. It also unloads a volley of blasts from it's two twin cannons at the tower causing it to completely collapse.
Just seconds before the blasts hit an officer emerges from the wreckage. A young sargent called Juno Elcipse who worked on very important and confidential Imperial projects. She was one of the people that should've been rescued but wasn't found and was pronounced dead. She jumps out of the crack she pushed through. She wipes the dust off her clothes just as a volley of projectiles hit the tower. It explodes in fire and falls apart as if it was made out of blocks.
As soon as both Admiral Veers and Admiral Yularen have both entered the door goes up and shuts with a deafening thump. Some of the lights turn off. Three out of the five shadow squadron troopers are left outside. They soon realize what had happened. They were abandoned. They scream and shout but there's no hope. The craft starts ascending and one of the troopers fires his blaster. Nothing happens. They've been left to die.
Part 25:
what a creativity dude! keep it up.
p.s Follow me to smile daily
Thank you very much :)
Very cool stuff,
Thank you for sharing. Follow, upvoted
A for creativity! Photos accompanying your Lego story are amazing! Did you design this lego creation or it came from a box?
It was designed by me, thanks for your support :)
well done!
You work with stop motion? You should, you story deserves a video
Most likely not, I used to do stop motion as a kid but now I don't have the time. But never say never :)
U have fantastic imagination! wow
Thank you, all support is very appreciated :)
wow interesting post upvoted
Thank you very much :)