I can feel the desperation of the Princess to bear a child and I think the holy woman felt it too; that's why it seems like Fatmah wants to lure the Princess with a big return. Does the holy woman have good intentions with the Princess or does she have plans to do something against the couple? I really doubt the intention of the holy woman, because it was also mentioned in the previous chapter that Aladdin and the Princess will have a strong enemy or trial, that's why I thought the narrator is talking about Fatmah being the antagonist in this situation.
If Fatmah will be the enemy of the couple, why is it that she is requesting roc bird eggs? What is this egg for? Will this really help to get the Princess pregnant or not?
This is where Aladdin's situation becomes difficult because he can't do anything if the Princess is not satisfied, so he will do everything to get whatever the holy woman asks for. I feel that the relationship between Aladdin and Princess will have tension because of this holy woman. It seems that Fatmah is the troublemaker in the relationship between Aladdin and the Princess.
I think Aladdin needs to be careful about this with the holy woman and they need to be observant in what she requests of them because I think she will hold them by the neck. Because Fatmah is a bit tricky, so in my view, she will use the desperation of the Princess to get what she wants from the couple.
Anyway, it looks like we will know that in the next chapters of the story. I'm very curious about Fatmah's real intention.