Jesus must love you. That could have turned out very bad for you. It's unbelievable that there are shootings that happen at McDonald's. It's like... why, tho?
The instance that I can think of where I went with my gut is while I was in Seoul. I was in the district popular for clubbing, about to go to eat with my friends when a random Korean girl walked up to me, pulled an unopened beer out of her purse and handed it to me. I was confused as to why this was happening because she couldn't speak English but she gestured that it was for me and she opened one for her as well. I'm guessing she was either looking for a clubbing buddy to buy her drinks all night or she was a hooker. I could be totally wrong, too. In any case, my gut was telling me to walk away from the situation so I just told her I was going to eat with my friends but thanks for the beer.
Wow that is kinda weird!! I wonder what would've happened!! Glad you trusted it! Haha I knew that travelers would have good gut instinct stories!! Thanks for sharing.
I think you're right about the Jesus thing. But he loves you too 😃