Dear all,
This post i'm about to share with you might not be too long, but i want you to study the content of ths post.
Our motive for service should be dictated, not by a desire to be seen and known by all, ostentation is the name, nor because of a desire to enjoy a personal prestige and accumulate wealth, not even because of a desire to wield authority by all means, but because of our interest for welfare of the community. Each of us must be able to say with Paul, “ For I could wish that I myself were accursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my brethren, my kinsmen by sake of the Jews, his kinsmen; men of his race. He was willing to be the accursed things, if doing so salvation would come to them. In others words, he was ready to sacrifice his life for the sake of his brethren, the Jews.
All our actions, therefore, must be dictated by the fact that they are being done for the sake of others.
If the prayer of Christ and his sacrifice in those far-off days had power in them to bring salvation and assurance of redemption to us who are alive until today, we must be ready now to dictate ourselves and all our services for the sake of others. In any station of life we must seek not to be ministered unto but to minster to others. Sidney Lanier once said: ‘Life’s true destination is to help and to bless others’.
Have been bless.
I urges you to be a blessing to many others around you that need your help.
Also, urges you let your motor be ‘O Lord Help me to live for others’ ‘Help me to help the needy’.
If everyone lived by such a credo, the world would be a better place.