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RE: If This Is True, The World's About to Get Infinitely Better

in #storylast year

I admit I'm a skeptic on almost all conspiracy theories. They usually appeal to plausibility and to our anger at some group (usually the upper class) but fall apart when we start to examine the actual facts of the matter. That said, I am open to anything, so I'll give it a watch.

Regardless of anything else, I think things are compounding in such a way that no one will be able to prevent free or cheap energy in the near future. Well, unless they blow us all up. The great reset, I think that particular conspiracy theory is called. Giving all this technology away for free on the internet is one of these things no one will be able to prevent. I was reading the other day that a new generation of 3d printers is being developed that uses a liquid metal instead of plastic in a way that it is both safe (somehow) and works as well as the current ones. Wow. If that story is even a little true, think of what a revolution that will cause?

Anyway, I'll go watch now.


I was much more of a skeptic until these past few years. I've watched many things I thought were conspiracy theories turn out to have some validity. I'm still super cautious about what I choose to believe but have to admit I like these exotic tech theories, they're a guilty pleasure...maybe because I like writing science fiction.

I'm of the same opinion about how, if this is all true, there will be no keeping it from the public. I envision wave after wave of "Satashi Nakamoto" like characters who divulge any and all secrets that are being hoarded. Bitcoin provides the blueprint. Evolution is a natural process, the universe wants to live and to evolve, and there is no way to pause this process forever.