in #story6 years ago (edited)

I'm taking a few days off from the coding and perfecting my Steemopoly Game. It's been a long time when I posted an "ordinary" post on Steemit, so today​, in order​ to rest my mind, I enjoyed while I was reading my old Steemit stories... and a new, simple idea with a significant message came across my head...


Original story by @dumar022



Once upon a time...

... in a land called​ Steemit, lived a nation of clever and creative people called Steemers. They were very hard working​ and they were aware that they had to give all they could for​ the prosperity of their homeland. They usually​ did that by creating valuable artifacts​​ called ORIGINAL CONTENT. And they were usually rewarded for that. Some were rewarded​ more, some were rewarded less, it all depended on​ the quality of their products. So, everybody was not able to get​ big rewards, they first had to work hard for it.

But then...

... a new species started inhabiting their homeland: BID-BOTS. Bid-bots made some lazier Steemers happy because they could "buy" the rewards from bid-bots and become equal to those who really earned their rewards. So, with time, Steemers forgot the age before bid-bots. And the quality of their original content became so unimportant that the Steemers who really tried hard to create the quality content became less worthy than those who just created anything "to create something" and brought in front of the bid-bots with some money to pay for their services.

And so...

...that became the new way of Steemit. Steemers became lazy and bid-bots were getting richer and richer. The ORIGINAL CONTENT first stopped being "original", then stopped being "content" ​at all. But one day, one of those bid-bots became bored with the system and, only for once, decided to open one of those original contents to see what is going on inside. So when one lazy Steemer brought his original content to that bid-bot along with 1 SBD to purchase his reward, this bid-bot opened the content and - he didn't find anything special there. So he told to the lazy Steemer:
"This content is wrong and I can't reward it."
But the Steemer answered:
"Rules are rules, you can't make an ​exception​. I brought you 1 SBD and I expect my reward."
Then the bid-bot with principles said:
"OK, this is what you're going to do: I will give you 3 SBD just to cancel your reward purchase!"

And the lazy Steemer was so happy with that...​

... and he told all of his friends about it. Then, they started thinking like this:
"Why should we waste our time to create the original content, if we can only take 1 SBD to that bid-bot and get 3 SBD for that?"

So the poor bid-bot made it even worse. He wasn't rewarding the bad content, he had to pay for that. Because he had principles...
And that became the new way of Steemit.


No matter what the devs are planning, no matter what changes and hardforks will come to Steemit, the bad content will still be rewarded...



“Bad content” is subjective and only your opinion.

I am not pointing on short content or even something inappropriate but a few weeks ago I saw a post with literally this content: gsghjhdgjjkfdhhgdhjfgjbfuhfhkgxhjdf.
And 9$ of pending reward with bunch of bid-bots at the top of the voter list... Witty, don’t you think? Kinda creative if the user did it only once. I wouldn’t know what happened next, I didn’t keep checking on him. But that can become a new direction of Steemit very easily

En este mundo de steemit, eso es cierto, como dice usted, al principio todo estaba bien, y luego fue infiltrandose la corrupción. De todas maneras eso queda grabado en la conciencia de cada Stemians, si crean contenido malo a propósito jamás tendrán la oportunidad de superarse de manera intelectual y esto es super importante. Debemos crear contenido de calidad y para esto tenemos que investigar, estudiar y aprender cada día. Un gran saludo para usted. Una excelente historia, la tomo a manera de reflexión.

Congratz, your post has been resteemed and, who knows, will maybe appear in the next edition of the #dailyspotlights (Click on my face if you want to know more about me...)
Check the rules of the Daily Spotlights if you want to nominate someone!
Pixresteemer is also listed as promoter on The Steemians Directory

Don't forget good content also uses bid-bots.