'59 A Space Exploration Adventure: PT34

in #story6 years ago

She turned to Janine and said, “Honey, why don’t you bring some of your home made cookies for Uncle David.” She nodded at Stirling. “I’m sure he’d love one right now.”
Janine leapt to her feet. “Great, I’ll go and grab them.”

© A Sunderland 2011

“Fetch some nice plates and a tray.”
“That’s a bit over the top isn’t it?” She said.
“While you’re there you might as well make another pot of coffee.”
“Jeez. Do you want me to wash the kitchen floor as well while I’m-”
“That’s enough, young Lady. Don’t make a drama out of everything.”
As Janine skulked off towards the kitchen door Cindy turned to Stirling and looked quizzically at him.
He whispered, “there’s nothing to worry about really…” he turned towards the kitchen door and shouted, “hey, Jan, hang on a second.”
Cindy glared at him.
Janine poked her head out of the doorway. “Now what?” She scowled.
“I think you better come and hear what I was about to tell your mum.”
“I knew she was up to no damned good.” Janine scurried back towards them.
“That’s no way to speak about your mother.”
“She has this sneaky-”
“Ha!” Stirling wagged his finger at Janine.
She flopped down into a chair, sulking. “What is it then?”
Cindy shook her head and gave Janine a warning look.
Stirling smiled at Janine and said, “don’t blame your mother. She has this innate knack of knowing when I’m about to deliver some, erm…not bad, but maybe-”
“Please get on with it, David.” Cindy said.
“Yes. Fine.” Stirling gave a little cough.
Janine laughed. “She has this effect on most men.”
“Well,” Stirling said, “I’m only a little nervous because I want to explain the situation before the media get hold of it and blow it out of all proportion.” He gave them both a reassuring look. “As you know, one of the ships from the Icarus relief mission, the Endeavour, has been extremely badly damaged.”

Cindy nodded. “But everybody has been making reassuring noises about the mission going ahead.”
“It will do,” Stirling said, “but we only have one ship ready to launch in time, the Dauntless. So it looks like one of the ships already out at Proxima is going to have to stay there for another four months.”
Janine asked, anxiously, “does this mean Dad won’t be coming home?”
“I don’t know. We’ve sent a message to the mission asking for volunteers to stay out there with one ship”
“When will we know for sure?” Janine asked.
Stirling pursed his lips. “In about seven weeks.”
“That’s not fair!” Janine slammed the table. “He promised me he’d be back.”
Cindy reached out to comfort Janine. “I’m sure he’ll keep his promise to you.”
Janine brushed her mother’s hand away and shouted. “He’s the mission commander. He’ll say it’s his duty to stay out there and set an example to his crew.” She scowled. “You know he’s always got to play the hero.”
[Day 97]
Li was in Cindy’s office for a final checkup. She said, “Doctor, I’ve been thinking about the material in my lungs. Who do I need to speak to about donating it?”
“Donating it to whom?” Cindy shook her head, slightly perplexed.
“To the family of the man who died. Erm… Ensign…” Li blinked a couple of times, “…Osborne, I remember was his name.”
“Technician third class, Jake Osborne, that’s right.” Cindy smiled. “That would be an incredibly generous gift.” She flicked her hand in front of the 3D holographic display on her desk and the spectrograph analysis of Li’s lungs appeared in front of the two women. “The material in here is worth a small fortune. It’s very generous of-”
“Not as generous of their gift to me…” She looked misty eyed at Cindy. “They only ask that I fulfill my goals when I am well again…” She sniffled, “…all that they want from me is to enjoy the life he will give me, and to take their son’s ashes to another solar system.”
“Yes we find that when donor families meet the recipients then they feel that their loss becomes slightly more bearable…not ever without pain-”
“You do not understand, Doctor. Many families have offered…” Li clasped her hands together and lowered her head.
Cindy reached out her right hand to comfort Li, and waited patiently for her to continue.
Finally Li looked up. “Many people have offered me their relatives’ lungs…for a price.”
“Wow!” Cindy gasped. “I wouldn’t have blamed you if you’d taken up one of these offers. I can’t imagine the incredible pain you have lived with every single day.”
“That pain is mine to bear. But I could not wish to inflict suffering on another family just to ease my own burden.” She looked resolutely at Cindy. “I do not know from where or how those good lungs would have come to me.”