I watched sadly as RJ, my best friend, left the orphanage for good. Seems like everyone was being adopted but me.
I always wanted a family. I lived in this orphanage for as long as I can remember. But now all I can do is just watch the other children play while I sat alone, and witnessing the departure of my best friend, RJ.
As I sat alone, my mind flashes the memories we had when my friends were around. That time when we pranked Alizza, RJ's accidental first kiss was a boy, the 'Jackson' incident, the time when we had sleepless sleepovers, and more.
All of this was flashing before my eyes. Then comes the stinging of the eyes, I started to cry. I know I'm not supposed to, but I can't help it. It isn't a loud one, not an irritating one, but a silent but emotional type of crying.
"Hey, you all right?" Aubry asked.
Aubry was Alliza's best friend before Alliza was adopted. She's like me, alone in this dull orphanage.
"I'm doing okay." I lied while quickly wiping the tears off my face.
Aubry just gave me a puzzled look before she spoke.
"You miss them huh?" She said as if it was very plain to see (It was).
"Yeah, kind of." I whispered as I try my best to hold back my tears. I wouldn't like crying in front of a girl.
Then, as I thought I succeeded in holding back, Aubry suddenly pulled me into a hug and gently whispered in my ear.
"It's okay Jim, let it all out." She whispered calmly.
I immediately pulled back and gave hare a shocked and confused stare, but finally, I gave way to tears and started crying quietly again on Aubry's shoulder.
After crying for sometime, I pulled away from Aubry's wet shoulder and smiled at her weakly.
"Thanks." I mouthed, I was too tired to use my voice after all that crying.
"Any time Jimmy." She said as she gave me a reassuring smile and leaned a bit closer to me.
"Whenever you would have problems Jim, I'm always here for you okay?" She said sweetly.
I just gave her a weak nod and she leaned close to me and gave me a quick peck on my cheek.
Then, my heart dropped.
Hey guys! So, this thing popped up in my head and I thought, "Why not write it?". This story could be connected to a series of events if you'd like. But I'm not sure tho. I'm kind of inexperienced so please forgive me if it lacked anything or if I had accidental typos or something.
I really really really love writing short stories and I hope you guys would like it. And I also have a favor to ask you guys, should I turn this into a series? I don't know. Maybe? Who knows. Well I hope you guys would like it!
Credits: Photo was thanks to blickpixel at Pixabay here on
@originalworks @steem-untalented
All i can say is.. Nice job fam! Hahaha
Following your series of the story. Can't wait for the next episode.
At first I am confused. I thought this story is really your own life story but when I read the last part, oh.... What I'm thinking is wrong. Hehe . Waiting for the next story.