Thank you brother for your kind response, I'm looking forward to reading all of your past post but time is the consideration that I can't overcome quickly.
I would like to say that when I first came to steemit yours were the first post that I gravitated to and you are the first that I followed. I aspire to be such a fine writer as you. We each must take up our cross and follow in the way that we are led, with the Kingdom of Heaven as our final destination , when the confusion of this old life is finished an the Kingdom of Heaven is revealed in all the glory of the Eternal Father it will Delight me to sit with you and talk Story , I suspect we have much more in common than we have in contradiction.. so as Willy sang so beautifully, they tell me of a land where no storm clouds rise .. and I sure look forward to meeting you there. If not here and then.
Never stop we may have different words, yet I know the meaning is for the same intention, to inspire any who will receive the message of Yeshua the living Christ.
And just thank you for being you!
I look forward to sitting and chatting with you, here or in the Glory... :D