in #story6 years ago

IMG_20180514_141937.jpgOnce upon a time, there lived two best friends named Efe and Daniel who lived in a community named weyina.
There was a particular lion disturbing the peace of the community, whenever he was hungry, he leaves the forest which was his hiding spot and comes into the village to devour.
The problem got to an extent that the king had to make a declaration that whosoever is able to bring the head of the lion will get married to his daughter and will become the next king of the kingdom. Daniel made a decision to embark on the journey but his friend Efe tried to stop him but Daniel replied him saying "I am an orphan and have nobody in this world to call my own. If I embark on this journey and die I will know I died a noble death while trying to save my people ".
Daniel went for the journey and was able to bring back the head of the lion after the entire community was thinking he has died in the evil forest though they were also happy.

There was also a bad news the king died b4 the arrival of Daniel. Daniel was crowned 👑 the king of Weyina after his marriage to the princess. Efe became Daniel's personal adviser and also held a great post in the community because of the friendship they share. One year later chioma(Daniel's wife) gave birth to a bouncing baby girl and was named Amara . The queen was not able to give birth to anymore children due to the complications she had while delivering Amara. One day, during one of the discussions of Efe and Daniel, Daniel told Efe that if his wife is really not going to give birth to a male child den he (Efe) would be the next king 👑.

Efe got married to a beautiful girl named Racheal. Efe's wife gave birth to a bouncing baby girl after 1 year of marriage. Efe went to the palace feigning to be happy and took food to them but the fact is dat he wants to kill Daniel. He took the food there and on Daniel hearing the gud news he was very happy so him and his wife ate the food but immediately after eating it they slum and died.

Amara was surprised, she came back from school seeing her parents on the floor. She started shouting and crying 😢 for help. After three months, Efe was crowned 👑 the king of the village because that was Daniel's wish. Efe and his family treats Amara with so much hatred. Once a princess became a slave in her own father's house. Joy(Efe's ) daughter grew up to be a spoilt and disgraceful child in the community. There is no parent who don't warn their children against associating with Joy.

It got to the extent that Racheal wanted to wipe out Daniel's entire generation by killing Amara the only member of the family 👪 remaining. She told Efe that she was going to visit her mother in a nearby community when he asked her to go with a guard she refused saying she can take care of herself. She actually went to visit one of the strongest native doctor at the middle of a place three villages meet signifying the deity he worships. He is normally called by the name Tukuruku. She asked him to prepare a charm for her to use in killing Amara. Tukuruku refused saying dat there are two strong spirits guarding her so he can only make her life miserable.

Rachael made a final decision saying dat Amara should be made barren, though , she is not married but they are making her barren before even seeing her husband. Racheal gave Tukuruku the sum of 50,000 and told him a big thank you though she was still angry about the fact that she cannot kill Amara.
Racheal hurriedly went back to the village after completing her evil mission.

Ten years later
Amara got married to the prince of one of the neighboring villages called Prince Emeka after much effort from Efe and Racheal to stop the marriage. Three years of marriage and yet no issue to prove their marriage. Amara always cried though Prince Emeka normally tried to comfort her. Amara bears insult from her fellow women even the ones she got married before they all had children. She always had to receive words Like she is a witch and has eaten all her children. Amara went from church to church ⛪ , from one shrine to another searching for solutions but found none. A day came web a pastor walked straight to the house of Amara and told her all her problems. Amara was shocked, dumb founded but still knew about Wat the pastor was talking about, though she had lost hope but the pastor reassured her That everything will be OK 👌. He called 4 a family 👪 prayer on the third Eke market days and she agreed to it. She went to meet Efe and his wife to tell them about the pastor's idea. They agreed to it. Racheal refused at first but then she agreed after 🤔 thinking that Tukuruku would save her. Finally the d Day came and the pastor prayed 4 the liberation of the family. During the prayer Efe and Racheal confessed their evil deed. The villagers were surprised and they came to final decision to banish Efe and his family. Amara and Emeka lived happily ever after and gave birth to 3 kids.