
in #story7 years ago (edited)

I had intended on posting a new poem today. As so often is the case, I wrote it on the iPhone while walking Amstel. I had it all cued up and everything.

But a prevailing thought pushed its way to the forefront of my mind. This thought kept echoing through my head. I’ve lived long enough to realize when this happens it’s usually important. In short, the prevailing thought trumped (oh...I don’t like that word anymore) the poem. The thought was, The Gift Of Gratitude.

Due to my increasingly busy schedule with the HardFork Series, I’m not posting as often as I once did. This, in no way, means my loyalty to the Steemit community is in any way diminished. I’m more dedicated than ever before and in the coming year will demonstrate this.

I consider myself so incredibly lucky to have found this community. Steemit has been a cornucopia of blessings for this middle-aged writer who, not all that long ago, was afraid that his train had long left the station and he’d be stuck in a cubicle for the rest of his working life.

Through Steemit I learned about cryptocurrency and blockchain. As a result, about a month ago I finally stepped away from that cubicle and am living my dream. The best part of my Steemit journey has been meeting some amazingly talented folks, sharing knowledge, and collaborating on some incredibly rewarding projects.

There have been ups and downs but this is the case with everything in this physical world, right? This decentralized platform has changed how I think, how I work, and my vision for the future. It’s allowed me to travel to Europe twice, speak at two SteemFests...I could literally go on and on.

About once a week I stop and think, usually after a HardFork Film Series team call or sometimes during it, how in the world did I get to the place I am now?

I was passionate about my novel and each and every book, article, and poem I’ve ever written. But I’ve never been as passionate about a project as I am with the HardFork Series. I truly feel like this project has the potential to spark a major shift and I couldn’t be more proud of both it and the talented team of individuals I’m collaborating with to steer it to completion.

As we head into this Thanksgiving holiday here in the U.S. it’s customary to think about what we’re thankful for but it’s so important to do this every...single….day. Why? Because the more we give thanks for the great things in our lives, the more we attract our way, I truly am a believer in this.

This world (and everything in it) are far from perfect, and this will likely always be the case, but it’s so important to seek out the good. Despite what the mainstream media reports, the light is so much more powerful than the darkness and forever will be. It's so important to never forget this.

Thank you all for the love you showed us at SteemFest and for your incredible support this past year. It means more to this humble writer than you know.

I wish you and your families an amazing Thanksgiving and the ability to feel gratitude each and every day.

Yours in the Chain,

(Gif compliments of

Please follow our official Steemit account for the film series @hardfork-series. Did you miss our last post? If so CLICK HERE to read it!

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*I am an American novelist, poet, traveler, and crypto-enthusiast. If you’ve enjoyed my work please sign up for my author newsletter at my website. Newsletter subscribers will receive exclusive updates and special offers and your information will never be sold or shared.

My new book on meditation, The Perfect Pause, has been discounted to $12.99 (paperback) and $4.99 (eBook) for a limited time. Buy the paperback and receive the eBook for free!

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I'm thankful for you Eric Vance Walton!

I am also full of gratitude to know Eric, his poetry and stories from Day 1, last June 2016. I am also thankful that I finally met you in person. I am thankful for your present!
I observed so many special moments on steemit but the hardfork series project goes beyond my joy! 😘 and Excitment. It’s me @mammasitta !!!


Thanks @mammasitta! It was wonderful to meet you too! I wish we had more time to talk this time, hopefully SF3 or if we come to visit! Thanks for your wonderful support of our project. We have so many more incredible things to share in the coming months. This team is so motivated that there will be no stopping until it hits the mainstream. I hope you had a good week, my friend!

The feeling is likewise, brother! Thank you!

I have habit of getting to the party late... both Steemit and this post of yours Eric. I hope your turkey day was a day full of family and feast.
It is always a pleasure to read your work and if the Hard Fork series is taking away from the individual work please know that I support the loss here for the gain over on the other.
You are living your dream and that is what is important in life. Continued success in all you do is my wish for you as we go forward in life.
Until next time,

No worries at all @sultnpapper. Thanks for the kind words, man! I am so happy with this HardFork project that I gladly devote my energy towards it. It's going to be a busy year but we're excited to steer this series until it reaches millions of sets of eyes! We can't wait to let you guys in on what is in development now. : ) I hope you and the family had a great Thanksgiving!

We did, and not to shamelessly self promote, do check out the details of yesterday in my dose for today. It was a truly great day.

love this Eric, what beautiful words of thanksgiving!

Thank you so much, my friend! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

Oh yes, you are absolutely right,my friend, in our world there has been a lot of evil recently and people are becoming cruel, so your call for good is very relevant and I support you in this! Thanks for the great post @ericvancewalton

Thanks for reading and for your support @serkagan!

Such a nice blog

Thats a great story indeed. All of steemians know you are real genius and unique man. Great idea of thinking of intend a poem. Really steemit is better platform around the world. steemit giving great opportunities of meeting talented peoples, more rewards and see important projects.
I really like your article. Its very interested to reading.
Thank you @ericvanceewalton.

You're welcome and I mean that in the true sense of the word. You're welcome to my support and my input and good will and all the thing that make steemit so great. We all are.

Your support is very appreciated! You're so right, everyone can play a part in making Steemit shine.

I love the texture of your post. It is really showing gratitude.
Keep writing and communicating with us.
I believe we all appreciate it.

@ericvancewalton Thanks.


Thanks so much @seyiodus! I appreciate your kinds words.

I appreciate you too sir.


I feel like this theme is relevant regardless of the season right now. Like it is more coincidental than directly related that right now in the states we have a whole holiday dedicated to gratitude. I'm still en route to visit family in my childhood home, 6 hours after I should have already arrived. And through all the car troubles and waiting and confusion and frustration, I keep coming back to this place where I'm just grateful for so much despite this current hiccup. I don't think I'm the only one. I've been noticing others feeling this sense too, for weeks. Perhaps it is a side effect of world events shifting and uncertainty becoming the norm even in the western world these days; It's very grounding though, and I think it is a beautiful thing. Thanks for your post!

I think people are finally beginning to wake up to the negativity in the MSM and rebelling against it. I wish you well in solving the car issues and hope you get to your destination soon! Thank you, try to keep smiling, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

You too; thank you!

Very well said Eric about life and how we are all witnessing this incredible paradigm shift right before our eyes... AND Yes, we need to be Grateful for so many things...

In the past, there would usually be a Revolution which usually included a War with bloodshed & lives lost...

Instead we are experiencing an EVOLUTION... without a physical coinciding war and great loss of life.

You & The HardFork Series Team... will bring about a Greater Awareness to the many changes we are experiencing on almost a daily basis.

Cheers to The HardFork Team !!

Happy Thanks <-- Giving !!

Cheer s !!

Thanks @sacred-agent! You make some great points! Yes, it seems like a huge shift is happening. It's very refreshing that this shift is happened via technology instead of warfare/violence. It will still be disruptive to some but not nearly as bad as it would be otherwise. The key to thrive will be to stay flexible and keep learning! Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving!

Thank you and have a great Thanksgiving too Eric!

What you lived while walking could be titled "an instant of conscience" and its price is invaluable. Happy Thanksgiving Day @ericvancewalton

Thank you @isabellavado! I really love when this happens. Have a great Thanksgiving!

Thank you, Eric, for so openly expressing your gratitude. I'm truly happy to hear about how positively Steemit has impacted your life.

Very best wishes as you move forward with the HardFork Series. Steem on!



You're welcome @creatr! Thanks for the kind words and the positive contributions you make to the platform!

Beautiful story blog. Thank you

Your ability as a writer is extraordinary.
Gratitude is the most important principle of the universe @ericvancewalton

That's very kind of you. Gratitude is of the utmost importance, I agree! Thank you @dobartim!

Wonderful sentiment. A little more than a year ago I remember taking your hand-bound book of poetry and thinking "He's a really nice guy, one of the kindest I've met."

I've not changed my mind and you deserve all of this!

Thank you, my friend! That's very kind of you. Raymi and I feel the same way about you guys! I hope we can hang out while we're in the UK, it would be a lot of fun. Where are you guys located?

I say it as I see it and I see nothing but awesomeness :)

We're in Nottingham - around 140 miles from London. Dead central to the country, in Sherwood Forest (Robin Hood). Close to where 'The Shires' are - if you're really lucky (and quiet) you can sometimes see Hobbitses ;)

Keep doing good work like HardFork Series.. We are eagerly waiting for it... Steemit community will always support you.

We appreciate the support tremendously. We'll have lots more wonderful news to report very soon!

you are an amazing person :) always keep inspiring

blushing : )Thank you, @blazing!

Well said. Every morning I set aside a few minutes and think about how grateful I am for everything in my life, and that includes being part of an amazing community, project, and team. And it's obviously a great privilege to be involved in the HardFork Series as well :)

Thanks, @andrachy. That is an amazing daily ritual to follow. Gratitude is part of my daily meditation practice and the day wouldn't seem the same without it. There's so much to be thankful for. It was great to connect at SteemFest and I'm so happy to be taking this journey with you.

I appreciate this

Great work , you doing great. I love this post .
And thanks for sharing


I will look for it!
I invite you to visit my blog.

Hi Eric, good news !

wonderful post

Much appreciated!

Interesting read. thank you muchly

nice story and great person,,,,,,,,,,,,,
thanks for sharing

So even i am glad to be part of the community ,it is not much but will be very precious in near future !
Thanks for pointing that out !
Same to u buddy !Happy Thanksgiving !

Good post bro..??
Follow and upvote now..i will too