My (EXTREMELY) Exciting Announcement!

in #story8 years ago (edited)

My writing career began in the early nineties when I published a poem in a local Columbus, Ohio newspaper. I struggled off and on for the better part of two decades to get my work noticed. During this time I was learning the craft, finding my voice, branding myself, learning how to market on social media, and making my fair share of mistakes in the process. I was doing all of this while working a full-time job. Truth be told, I liked the idea of being a writer but I just wasn’t working nearly hard enough.

Around 2012 I began working on my writing like my life depended on it. In a way, it did. I found myself in a very stressful profession that required long hours. I wasn't sleeping, my health started to suffer, and I saw my dreams of becoming a writer were quickly fading away.

Shortly after this came three distinct milestones in my writing career:


In 2013, about eighteen years after I began writing, when I published my debut dystopian novel, Alarm Clock Dawn. I was taking weeks of vacation time off from my day job to complete it. For six months I worked for several hours each night after working a full shift at my job. I couldn't really afford it but I hired a professional editor and an artist to design the cover and paid them with borrowed money. Instead of an expense I viewed it as an investment in my future.

This is when I started making real sacrifices for my writing. As a result I finally found my voice. I also proved to myself that I could actually write a novel. Because of this book I finally believed in myself and my abilities as a writer. No matter what I accomplished from that point forward Alarm Clock Dawn would always be my first and it will always be special to me. The novel was well received and was getting consistent four and five star reviews on Amazon. This kicked me into hyper-drive. I started seeing some sporadic success but my efforts to make a living at writing didn’t yet materialize.


My second milestone was when I read James Altucher’s book, Choose Yourself. Choose Yourself shattered any misconceptions I had left that there was security of any kind to be found working for someone else. In his book James stressed that, in today’s world, no matter how secure you might think your job is you can find yourself unemployed at any time. He stressed there were no longer any gatekeepers that had to say "yes" and give you permission to make your dreams come true. Therefore, the only rational thing you can do is to choose yourself and become an entrepreneur. He taught that you must work to find your passion and pursue it with all you’ve got. The book cracked my slumber in many ways and also gave actionable ideas on how to become an author-prenuer, to achieve independence from the traditional nine-to-five job. I soaked up James’ teachings and they pushed me to come up with my plan.


Fast forward two years and my third milestone arrived. It was a new social media platform called Steemit introduced to me by @stellabelle in mid-June. Her posts were already rocking on the platform but I didn’t really understand how Steemit worked. I had heard about Bitcoin on the news but had no idea what cryptocurrency was and blockchain was a completely foreign term. I was a Noob to the Nth degree. Finally on July 5th I took the plunge and wrote my first post. Two weeks after registered I began getting frustrated, I felt like I was getting nowhere, friends ( @tcmiller and @fairytalelife) told me to be patient and keep writing. Three weeks and thirty or so posts later I started getting some decent upvotes and thoughtful comments. Almost exactly a month later, a few hundred posts into the process, I started getting more traction and then a few days later my posts caught fire. What might seem to some like an overnight success actually was a twenty-two year struggle.

Steemit has been a true miracle. In just over a month it’s given me a taste of what success as a writer feels like and it’s also taught me that I can actually make a living at it. It’s also allowed me to collaborate with some extremely talented creative people. No matter what happens from this point forward I will be forever thankful to Steemit and all of you for giving me a gift that I thought I might never receive.

Now, for my big announcement!

Alarm Clock Dawn will be available to read here on Steemit for free! As a token of thanks to Steemit and for the support you have shown me I’m going to post the entire novel here on Steemit in installments.

A little about Alarm Clock Dawn:

ALARM CLOCK DAWN, author Eric Vance Walton's debut novel, is the chilling story of a world only decades ahead of our own. Adam Harkin is an employee of XenTek, the most powerful corporation the world has ever known. Adam begins to question the purpose of his existence in a world where people are no longer citizens; they are merely consumers. Every aspect of a person's role in society is to be determined by one number-their credit score. The planet is protesting corporate greed and insatiable consumerism through crippling super storms that erupt without warning. In a race against time, thousands of people are waking up from this nightmare, burning their Consumer Identification Cards and doing the only thing they can to strike back-dropping out of this toxic society. One by one they join the camps outside the cities. The fate of humanity itself is at stake and the clock is ticking. Sometimes, when it seems all hope is lost, there's only one AWAKEN.

I’m so excited to share this with you for a couple of reasons. First, it will be like reliving the book all over again and I feel like the cast of characters are old friends. Secondly, I can’t wait for you to join me on this adventure! I look forward to interacting with you, answering questions, and reading your thoughts and feelings about the story.

The very first installment of Alarm Clock Dawn will appear around this time tomorrow (11AM CST) and we will continue the journey together through approximately 50 and 60 serialized posts over the coming months. Do you know someone else who enjoys dystopian Sci-Fi/Suspense fiction? If so, please share this blog with them.

(Alarm Clock Dawn is the first book of a trilogy. The sequel entitled, Truth Is Stranger will be published on Amazon in the spring of 2017.)

Please sign up for my author newsletter for updates on the sequel and exclusive offers and content only available to my newsletter subscribers -


Besides all the fabulous stories you have been gracious enough to share here I steemit... I'd like to thank you for this post, in particular. I myself, after being "let-go" from my last job have realized working for someone else is a fools-game (not judging anyone), with zero security.., with even less of a chance to create and live out your dreams. I will, for sure, be picking up the book you mention in this post "Choose Yourself." Taking the plunge here on steemit was somewhat scary for me... As I choose to write about a very personal experience from my past and was not sure how it would be received or if I had made the right decision, to expose such personal material. Even though the post did not make much $$$, the comments FLOORED me and only reinforced my decision to 'just go for it.' I will surely read your novel and thank you for generosity. Cheers, @ericvancewalton -- And Thanks!

Your comment made my day, @macksby. I can tell we're kindred spirits. The job market is going to just get more volatile with the technological advances coming in the next 5 to 10 years. Now will be the best time to read Choose Yourself. I really like Steemit because of the engagement it encourages. This experience is 100x better than Facebook in nearly every way. I hope you enjoy the story and am looking forward to your thoughts as we move along! James Altucher is also a New Yorker. You might just see him in a café there somewhere! Take care and keep up the excellent work!

WOW... It's always nice to make someones' day. And I have no doubt we are kindred spirits (another lifetime). I can't tell you how much I appreciate the encouragement! And look forward to, not only reading your novel, but all the amazing and inspiring stories you have yet to create... And I'll be on the look-out for James Altucher :))

I realize how hard it is to be a creative person in this society. Creativity is very undervalued, especially in the US. My goal, if I'm lucky enough to accomplish it, will be to help other creative people find independence to pursue their dreams. James is "the man"! I'm sure he'll say hello if you spot him.

@ericvancewalton, the way I see it, Steemit seems to be a great social media outlet for writers and graphics types. I can't say it's as great as Facebook for ease of use. But if it can make you some cash then I think you have something! :) I bought your novel a few weeks ago. I started to read it but I need to get back to it. I have a hard time right now finding time to read for pleasure. So much to do. :( It does start off very interesting though. :)

Congrats on all your success here!

Thank you, @mctiller. I appreciate your encouragement! I almost quit but you kept me focused.

@ericvancewalton watching you take off on steemit is what got me to start being more active on the platform. I'd love to hear more about how you got started in writing. I'm in the editing stage of my first novel now, so any and all pointers would be incredibly appreciated!

I'm glad to hear that @armenarmen! What's your novel about?

The one skill I wish I could do. I wish I could write a novel (book) but just can't find the time. Everybody tells me if I put my life in words it would be a best seller. Not sure to take that as a compliment or they are trying to tell me something!

Congratulations and thank you for the inspiration!

This makes me deliriously happy to read. I know the struggles firsthand when it comes to getting published, and I'm thrilled to see success come to you - someone who obviously deserves it so much! I'm most definitely looking forward to getting to read Alarm Clock Dawn when you start to post it tomorrow - I'm sure it will be a great read, judging by how much I'm enjoying Just Another Day so far.

I appreciate your comment @beowulfoflegend! I hope the novel doesn't disappoint!

Great stuff. I get where you're coming from completely. My first post on Steemit was about the book I'm currently writing. Check me out (only a few posts so far). I wrote two novels in 2000 and 2004, but self-publishing was a different game, so I went the traditional route and gave up after only 24 rejection letters. So I'll go via CreateSpace this time around and may get around to updating my first two novels. Anyway, your success will continue as long as you continue. I have to remember that every day I feel like sitting back and surfing the web instead of writing. (I call it "research." lol)

You will love CreateSpace! I've used a traditional publisher and found the lack of control to be super frustrating. Most authors stand to make more profit with self-publishing these days too if you have followers on social media already.

I cannot wait to read it! This genre is by far my favorite and love any book that is similar to what you say your book is about. I am an aspiring author that has not written anything big yet, but hopefully this story will get my creative juices flowing and I can begin on my own. Thank you very much for this post!

The story of Alram clock dawn sounds interesting. I like these topics.
Waiting to read the first chapter! :)

I can't wait to share it @spiz0r!

you're great writing @ericvancewalton , keep up...

It's actually really nice to hear that your Steemit success happened pretty slowly too. I think the right mindset for posting here is probably not "how much money can I get from this post?", but "how much influence in the network will this post get me in the future?".

So, rather than thinking about posting for rewards, you are really thinking about posting as an investment - at some point that balance might flip over but, even if it doesn't, you'll have produced writing that you're proud of and made a lot of new connections in the process.

I'll look forward to reading the novel.

Thanks, @sunjata. You have the right mindset. Once you find your passion it's a marathon, not a race. The goal for me has always been to made a sustainable living from my writing. The last few weeks' earnings have been a really blessing, yes, but I'm thinking long term. I'm excited to be on this platform and feel that there's a real future here. The engagement factor here is amazing versus Facebook. I got so tired of putting so much effort into posting content on my Facebook author page and my posts only reaching 2% of people who liked my page. Steemit is so much better. Thank you for all of your support. I'm thrilled to be able to share my novel here!

Thanks so much for adding so much great content - I've really enjoyed reading your stuff : )

You're welcome! I'm so glad you're enjoying it!

The Book sounds interesting!

Look forward to Alarm Clock Dawn. Signed up for newsletter. Thx!

Much appreciated, @artsteemit! Thank you for signing up and reading!

looking forward to reading it! and to our upcoming Q&A :)

Thank you for the opportunity, @cristi!

Brilliant thank you so much

Thank you for this post. I am just starting here on steemit and I am inspired by stories like yours. I can't wait to read your novel, it sounds like a great read.

You're welcome. I can't wait to share it with you all! I hope you enjoy it.

it is nice to see professional authors coming into Steemit and adding value. I look forward to reading more.

Thank you for the comment, @milestone. It's been great fun for me to write on this platform. I really enjoy the engagement with the readers.

Eric, such great news. I look forward to it. Will this be the first novel published on steemit? That's cause for celebration!

Thank you, @fairytalelife! I've seen serialized fiction but I haven't seen a whole novel yet. This might be the first!

I'm so excited for you Eric! And I really enjoy reading your stories :)

I'm so glad, @nubchai. Thank you so much!

No matter what happens from this point forward I will be forever thankful.

That's a beautiful attitude.

Thanks, @innuendo. That's truly how I feel. I realize things can change in an instant but we must be grateful for the moment, each step in our path.

I was about to tweet on Alarm Clock Dawn, and found this announcement post - I didn't realize the book was already published! But that leads me to a question: I had heard that published books couldn't be excerpted and used on Steemit. Was that wrong info? Anyway, I'd like to make my twitter followers aware of the book. Would you rather I tweet a link to your website or the Steemit post?

Yes, it was published on Amazon in 2013. I think as long as you own the rights it's fine. I self-published this book so I don't have to worry about any complications with a traditional publisher. I appreciate you spreading the word, @libertarianarts. If you could direct traffic to Steemit that would be great. I'm trying to link all of the serialized posts chronologically so it's easy for people to follow along. Thank you!

Wow dude, very exciting and congratulations! I look forward to reading the book, as I'm a big fan of dystopians :)

Just reading your Post and I hope you go Mega. I have started posting some of my stuff and a the odd Rant on Steemit.
but as you say it is hard going. Is story the best Tag to give a Story? I was sticking on all types of Tags. Never realized they would show at the bottom. But you live and learn. Anyway drop by and have a read of my stuff if you get some time. Keep the good work flowing:D~

I love your story and, as an aspiring writer, I feel inspired to not give up on my lifelong dream. I too have a very time-consuming, albeit gratifying job. But life shouldn't be about instant gratification or job security; it should be about living to your fullest potential and being who you want to be. Nothing less, nothing more. Thanks for your story and I'm looking forward to reading Alarm Clock Dawn on Steemit.

Your post gives hope to myself and I'm sure many other struggling writers. Not that it will all work out for everyone, it's good to see real stories of inspiration in motion. I look forward to reading your novel, and enjoyed several of your previous posts. Keep writing. I will follow...

Thanks for your comment! It's important to keep learning, to keep polishing, and to never give up.

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