in #story8 years ago (edited)

The news this year, more than any other year I can remember in my forty-five years on the planet, is full of violence, hate, and fear mongering. It seems our world is going haywire.

Since mainstream media is reporting so much negativity that I started contemplating how we could counteract it. Through my social media pages I’m fortunate enough to have a pretty good sized global audience of amazing people. I’m a firm believer that there is still more good than bad in the world and I’d like to prove it.

Those corporations that wield the power in this world have turned this Holiday season into a feeding frenzy of consumerism that brings with it depression and a whole host of negative emotions for a lot of people. More than any other time of the year, the Holidays make people long for loved ones who are no longer here, brings back feelings of regret, it can make people feel like they don’t have enough money or things, and like they don’t measure up in general.

Your Participation Is Requested - Share What You Can Spare

What I propose is very simple and effective -- share what you can spare, invest in the goodness of humanity. You can use your donation directly to help someone you know or a stranger you cross paths with. Pay someone’s bill in a restaurant, buy a homeless person a hot meal, or simply hand someone a twenty dollar bill and say Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays or whichever Holiday Greeting you prefer. It’s easy to forget that each of us are fighting a battle every day and, despite appearances, we have no idea what kind of struggles others are going through.

This idea is very simple but it serves a twofold purpose. It may just help renew someone else’s faith in the goodness of humanity and, I promise, it will also make you feel INCREDIBLE! This simple act will bring you much more joy than anything the $20 could purchase. In fact, it might be the best gift you get this year.

I’m doing it and will report back my results. If you decide to participate, please report your results as well.

Keep It Going! If you agree with this philosophy please SHARE and RESTEEM this post

Spread the love! Let’s start a wave of light to drown out the darkness of this world, or maybe just make us to forget about it for a little while.

May your Holidays be rich with all the things that truly matter.

With Immense Gratitude,

~Eric Vance Walton~

(gif sourced from


I knew there was a reason I liked you -- you're just a great guy!
Walking home from work last year, a few days before christmas (Im not a big fan of the holidays) -- it was freezing... I got a about 2 blocks to my front door and I saw a woman about my age sleeping on a small piece of cardboard in front of an abandoned storefront. All she had as a jacket was a hoodie (not good enough)... I had just got a brand new winter coat, so I took off the nice, heavy winter jacket I was wearing and laid it on top of her and put down a bag of food I was bringing home from the restaurant I was working at (grilled octopus, branzino, greek salad) and started to walk away.., when I heard someone yelling "sir, excuse me sir." It was the woman and she wanted to thank me... And the she said -- "I thought I was going to freeze to death tonight -- thank-you, so much, can I ask you your name..?" I told her my name.., and she looked me right in my eyes and said -- "Thank you, Mack - you just saved my life." I know my neighborhood like the back of my hand, so I told her to follow mw and showed her a small little structure in an old school yard that didn't have a lock and that nobody ever went near -- I told her to sleep in there, it would be warmer and safer.

I never told anyone this story, until now... Maybe it will help to inspire some "simple acts of kindness" this holiday season. I'll tell you this -- even though her situation made me quite sad, helping her out, that little bit -- made me feel great! Cheers @ericvancewalton

Wow, what an wonderful gesture, @macksby! Thanks for sharing it here. The great thing about how the universe works is helping others like you did is like a magnet to bring more abundance into the life of the giver. Did you ever see the woman you helped again? A friend of mine, @juanparker, gives away food and hand painted t-shirts to the homeless when we go to Chicago. We've gone there once a year for almost 15 years and have gotten so we recognize some of the people on the street. It's an unbelievably harsh life out there for them. It makes us realize how lucky we are. Why don't we hear more stories like the one you just shared on the news? I know it happens more often than we're led to believe. They just feel positive stories don't get ratings, I guess. Cheers to you my friend!

I know a lot of the homeless in the neighborhood... Even if I don't have anything to give, they appreciate a little conversation, a lot. Most people are scared of them, or whatever. But, it can happen to anybody.

That was the first and last time I saw her... You're a good man, @ericvancewalton

I can't even imagine how isolating being homeless would feel. You're right, we are conditioned to believe they are all dangerous and even sub-human. You are SO right, in it can happen to any one of us. When a person realizes this the barriers begin to come down, I think. Your willingness to converse with them might even be better gift than money. Awesome, @macksby!

This is just good. Hope to see you again..I must follow you.

This is awesome! I love the initiative. I hel not only during the holidays but throughout the year with #coupons. If i have a coupon and see soneone buying an item i give it to them. Many times i have explained deals to people so that they can get items for free or close to free. To see their reaction, and knowing you have helped them save a few dollars is so gratifying!

My sister is struggling to make ends meet this year. I have provided all her four kids with jackets and some outfits for the winter. To see a child smile and get excited over a jacket is more than words can describe.

I hope more people can pay it forward. Not necessarily with money. Help an older lady get the groceries to her car, reach an item for someone who can't reach, or have a conversation with someone. These are all free yet gratifying acts of kindness!

Thank you, @sgnsteems! Both coupons and acts of kindness are great ideas. So many people are struggling out there now and if we had more people helping like you it would really help ease some suffering. I really appreciate you leaving this comment and Happy Holidays to you and your family!

Great post. It's a simple gesture. We should all pay it forward.

Truly great initiative Eric!

I used to never give money to people on the streets because my reasoning was: 'they are just going to buy drugs with it'. This changed when someone told me: 'isn't that what you do with your money?'

Since that moment I give more easily when I see somebody in need. For me, it was a true eye-opener.

You made me think I maybe should do something more this year.

Thank you, @exyle! I don't always give cash as often to the homeless but I will give them food or offer to buy them a hot meal. Here in America we have a huge segment of our population that are considered the, "working poor", people who work full time but make such a low wage that they can't pay for their basic needs, (food, clothing, and shelter). I like giving to these people, it eases their worry about how they're going to make "ends meet" at the end of the month when the bills are due. The way our system is set up here it's a real struggle for a large part of the population. Thank you for your comment and I'm glad you enjoyed the post!

In the Netherlands, we have a minimal wage for employees. If you work full time you can make the ends meet with your income. (but it doesn't mean you can live large, not at all). It makes me sad to hear about the working poor. Nobody willing to contribute to society aka working (full time!) should be earning so little that daily life becomes a struggle. It puts OPERATION: PAY IT FORWARD in a new light for me.

We learn about the minimal wage from people we spoke with in Amsterdam. That was one of many things we liked about your culture. It's growing more difficult to make a living here each year. My wife and I are seriously considering becoming Expats and the Netherlands might be on the short list for us!

Let us bring more happiness in the world! Great post!

Resteemed and shared. To this day I recall the look on a young mothers face when I paid for some art stuff for her child. She didn't have enough to pay for it and I told the cashier to put it on my charge and please give her the stuff. The mother did not have to say anything, the look in her eyes was enough and the cashier whispered thank you to me.
Time for me to help someone else and hope they pass that on. Thank you @ericvancewalton for this post and I hope it reaches many people.

That was great of you to do! This kind of giving becomes quite addictive for the giver. I prefer to give this way, often times anonymously, rather than donating to an established charity. Administration costs eat up so much of the contributions. Thanks for sharing and resteeming!

I hear ya on the charity thing. I don't really trust them, so I would rather give things personally. It is such a great feeling when you do something nice for others and not expect a return, except a smile or a thank you.

you reap what you sow

great post

Thanks, giving is truly what this season is all about. In giving, we receive.

Great Idea @ericvancewalton Simple, non commercial, just people sharing... clap, clap, clap.

Thank you! I tried this for the first time last December on My Facebook author page and it got a lot of momentum. It was fun to hear people's stories as they gave.

I do not have a lot of money but I will donate £10 in one of these ways this week and hopefully it will bring it little joy into someone's life.

Thank you! I would love to hear about it afterwards if you'd like to share the story!

No long story I am afraid, I was in town today in Glasgow with my daughter, I saw a young homeless boy sitting in the street under a bed sheet no jacket on and it is very cold in Glasgow, I walked over handed him £10 and wished him well, he took the money and although he never lifted his head or responded I am sure it made him feel a little bit better, I then walked on to catch up with my daughter and grandson. I wish I could have done more but I could not afford to buy him a jacket.

I really appreciate you taking part in this and sharing your story! I hope it was a positive experience for you. Happy Holidays to you @thetruthfairy!

Thank you for your gift it was totally unnecessary but greatly appreciated, I now however feel that I have not given anything yet but there are many ways to pay forward kindness and I have decided to adopt a few of these, not only for the holiday period but as a way of life.

You're very welcome, @thetruthfairy! I was glad to do it, if you'd like to use it to pay it forward again that is all the better! I really appreciate you taking the time to help and report back. You are awesome! Merry Christmas to you.

love it, thank you

@ericvancewalton you are a truly awesome guy. This is a great post -- a true testament to your character. Paying it forward is one of the most wholesome and beneficial things we can do right now. Thanks for this encouraging post. Resteeming and posting in the chatroom. Bless.

Thank you @everlove. I ran this promotion on my social media pages last year, before Steemit, and really enjoyed hearing people's stories. I think there are good organized charities out there but nothing beats forging that direct connection with another human being. I appreciate you sharing the post!

I did a similar post on gratitude, simply asking for others to post what they are thankful for. It was a really great post and feel another one of those coming on soon. Grateful to be paying it forward everyday. That's what I live for (as do all those living at the @gardenofeden). I imagine you'll come out way someday. I love what you're sharing here. Thank you @ericvancewalton.

I'm glad you're enjoying the posts! Posting about gratitude is a great idea too, we all need those reminders! It sounds like you all are doing great work there at The Garden of Eden! Where are you located @everlove?

We are inspired to be the change and living it everyday! We are in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area (Arlington) of Texas. You?

Awesome! My wife and I are based in the Twin Cities (MN)

Great idea Eric. We can always use with more giving, at any time of the year.

This is beautiful. As someone who doesn't have much money and will be struggling to get through Christmas this year as it is, it's very easy for those of us in that position to feel like we can't contribute because we can't afford to pay for someone's shopping or something like that I wanted to remind you that there are other thug oh can do. I once, on a rainy morning on my way to work, this was many years ago, passed a homeless man asleep on a bench, just lying there in the rain, so I put my umberella over the top half of him, covering his head and kept going. He didn't jump up and thank me or anything like that, but I've never forgotten how good I felt for the small act. It doesn't have to be a major money contribution is what I'm saying; some cafes in my city have a pay it forward thing where you can buy two coffees when you get your latte but only leave with one and the other goes into a bank of paid for coffees for people who can't afford them. If you don't have the money, find something else to give. Thanks for reminding us all that this is a great thing to do for the sake of all humanity.

Kudos to you @brookethechicken for that act of kindness! I think the thought of doing something like you did with the umbrella crosses many people's minds but fear keeps them from going through with it. Paying it forward sometimes doesn't requiring a cent and you illustrated that well here, sometimes it's just sharing kindness. The world needs more of this. Thank you!

I agree. It can be letting a harrassed looking mother with a bunch of kids hanging off her go before you in the line at the supermarket, helping an old/er or less able bodied person with their bags, or one I like is when you're in a shop and there are school kids, you often hear one of them asking to borrow some ridiculous amount of change, like 20 or 50 cents from friends to get something, but because its such a HUGE amount of money for them, no one ever has it to spare, and I like to just buy the thing the kid wants for them. Little acts like this actually make an impression on kids I think, and they remember it and I like to think it shapes them into being better humans.

I very much agree. This kind of behavior affects adults too. Paying it forward is highly contagious. The same holds true for negative behavior. I think this is why the disproportionate volume of negative news stories in the main stream media are so detrimental to our society. They do it for ratings mainly but it's very harmful. Thanks for your comment!

Pleasure. And yay, I just realized I have missed a bunch of replies because I had my blog tab open. Ahh the collective sigh of realization.

Thanks for your great post :)

Great idea hope there are several other people who decide to get involved and try something like this. I don't know if I can do the full $20 but i'm sure I can find something to give and will report what happens later.

Thank you for this amazing idea.

You're welcome! Thank you for participating!

Greetings @ericvancewalton and fellow steemers. I have an opinion on what was said in the post. I loved it. If you want to change the world start local, not worldwide though. If you start local believe me it'll spread. Beyond money, you're attitude and what you spread out to the universe matters. Unplug from the mainstream media and not listen to all of the negativity and crap that everyone wants you to believe is happening in the world. Be happy and don't take any of it to serious. If you want to have joy in you're lives then look inside yourselves. Make yourselve's happy first then bestow it on the world and help you're neighbors and friends and expect nothing but love from them. The one thing we owe to each other is LOVE. So do what you can and if you give money as a gift of love then so be it, or if you help others in other ways then that helps to. Even sitting down and being friendly and talking to someone helps more than you think. Putting a smile on you're face will change others around you. The world needs more of this, and even the smallest things that we think doesn't matter really does. Let's do our best to Make today great.

Good, my form this post vary a love...

Wonderful comment! Thank you and I couldn't agree more!

I love this post! This is the most important thing you can do with your life and it is the most needed. Bless you and all that sail in you and long may this travel! x

I'm glad you enjoyed it, @loveandlight! Thank you very much!

Thanks for the lovely reminder.......

You're welcome. Thank you for commenting!

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