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RE: What's the Smile Factor?

in #story6 years ago

It makes sense that there are the differing philosophies within that generation. Social media plays a huge role in those people who purchase experiences. Retailers are dialing into that too...we noticed when we were in the UK stores not only advertised but they also make their storefronts "Instagram worthy" by decorating entryways. That hasn't made its way to the US yet as far as I know.

I'm sure I'll keep writing here but may just decrease frequency a bit. I have the short story "Missing Time" done. I'll be posting that in installments soon.

Thanks! July 5th is the official date!


That hasn't made its way to the US yet as far as I know.

Really? I'm surprised. I mean, seeing the madness in EU, I figured the States would be even worse with this IG-craze. Some are just mind-boggling. I know tons of cafes and boutiques that made their name through IG alone. Everyone knows who they are basically because they have such a huge presence on Instagram. Seems unheard of, you know?

I'll be posting that in installments soon.

Really? I can't wait <3 I love your writing! :D