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RE: Blockchain Memory Project - Journal Entry (3) - Brotherhood

in #story7 years ago

Hey @natureofbeing! Thank you. I've noticed that same change to social circles too. My five year old nephew is more social at that age than I am now. Lol.

It seems to me that back in the 1970's people were less comfortable borrowing money and credit cards were far less common. Raymi and I often talk about how the middle class in America would probably shrink very significantly overnight if credit was taken away.

I'm glad you enjoyed this one! I'm very excited for England. It'll be a nice reward for the hard work this year. Take care and have a good rest of the weekend!


you're so right about credit cards in the 1970s....this is a really big change! And a car was $2K then too and there was less reason to go into debt since the cost of living was more manageable. The credit situation these days is really heartbreaking - as Americans we are encouraged at every turn to go into debt and then are enslaved by this for years.

I think that my 7 and 2 year old niece and nephew are also more social than I am ;-)). But like you, I really appreciate the creativity that arose daily back in the days of unstructured, unsupervised time. Life really was quite different!