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RE: What Are Your Points of Light?

in #storylast year (edited)

I would never want that job, Lizelle! You're right, under our current system the lucrative nature of the political offices attract the wrong kind of people to begin with. Very few people get into politics to change things for the better. The only way to fix the situation is to inact things like -- term limits, age limits, no stock trading for politicians, no lobbying, no governmental benefits or salary for life after political terms have ended. The answers are all there but implementing them is another story.

I agree, working on yourself --- your spiritual, emotional, and physical health is the best way to change the world. When you're happy, fully engaged, and adding to the light of the world it rubs off on everyone around you.

Thank you! I'm officially done getting new body art for a little while. The only thing I might do now is get little ones to commemorate trips to special places.