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RE: If This Is True, The World's About to Get Infinitely Better

in #storylast year

There are "safer" ways to share this then. I sometimes feel that our negative emotions/attributes like fear and greed are our greatest barriers to getting to the next level(s) of our evolution. It will take a whole lot of courage for inventors to release something like this but I imagine when it happens the process will work something like how Satashi Nakamoto released the Bitcoin white paper. This actually makes me appreciate cryptocurrency even more. Once the barriers are hurdled and an idea is out into the world it takes on a life of its own.



Inventors have to walk a thin line between not telling anyone (which ends in the idea dying with them) or telling everyone (which means it is no longer their idea).

And the meta right now is think of an invention and get rich.
Although this has rarely happened, it is the narrative in movies.

You see, for most ideas, say for a toy.
You have to make the plans
get the molds made, send them to China
pay to have a million parts made
go around to all the store's buyers, and they hate talking to little people with only one product.
Get the buyers to buy your toys.
Get them into the stores before Christmas.
Become an instant, over night success.

This process costs more than a house, and usually takes more than 3 years.
And, at any point along there, someone can have an identical item made in China, and with their better connections, have them in stores before you. In fact, it is typical Chinese, to make extra, in your mold, and sell them locally.

We need money to live, and that vision of getting that money is a strong pull.
But, Satoshi was correct. In order for it to succeed, the inventor has to almost disappear.

Bitcoin truly is the rough blueprint necessary to bust through most of the corporate governmental/corruption in our world. In that aspect it’s infinitely more valuable than most people realize. It just needs to be applied to other industries and segments of our economy.