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RE: If This Is True, The World's About to Get Infinitely Better

in #storylast year

Thanks for reading and commenting. Yes, you hear nothing about exotic tech in the MSM anymore, it's been effectively discounted as "impossible" or "a conspiracy theory". The truth is the average person probably couldn't care less about this kind of thing, they're just busy trying to survive and living their lives. It hasn't always been this way. I remember seeing a local news story in the 1980's in Columbus, Ohio about the man who created the car that ran on water. They actually showed him driving the car on the news. This is the man they're talking about in the documentary above. He was allegedly poisoned in a Cracker Barrel restaurant shortly after the news story aired and later died.


Yes, I still remember the car running on water story. It made a local television news story here in South Africa. That's precisely one of the examples I was talking about that just vanished. It's a damn disgrace, sickening!

It definitely got a lot of media attention in Ohio, where I grew up. Then the story disappeared.