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RE: My Experience with Grounding/Earthing

in #storylast year (edited)

I like that idea! I wish it was possible where we live. : ) I've often thought that outdoor playgrounds for adults should be a thing.

I think the grounding works a little differently in the human body than it does with electric devices plugged into the wall. Grounding, in the case of appliances/electronics creates a direct path for excess electrical current to flow to the earth instead of through the electrical device or equipment. In relation to the body, it uses the contact with the Earth's natural electric charge to stabilize the physiology of the human body. Here's some good info. It seems like electric devices use the pathway into the Earth and the human body uses the current from the Earth.

Thank you Catrina! I hope you have a wonderful week!


Oh okay, gotcha. That makes more sense. :) You too, Eric!

I just hope Iightning never strikes when I'm laying on this grounding sheet! Lol.