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RE: Create the Problem, Sell the Solution

in #storylast year (edited)

Thank you Krisz! I was a little worried after starting to consume more red meat, butter, and cheese that it would skew my metrics in the wrong direct but it had the opposite effect. Product placement and marketing are huge! Also, especially here in the U.S., they include ingredients that change our gut microbiome and get us addicted to certain things like sugar, salt, and refined carbs. It's not much different than Big Tobacco using science to make cigarettes more addictive. It's all about the bottom line and one industry (Food) eventually feeds another (Big Pharma). What saddens me is how many small organic brands are getting gobbled up by mega corps, and they're doing it so quietly and sneakily. I just recently discovered a brand I've been buying for years, Annie's, was gobbled up by General Mills in 2014. I had no idea!


It's all about the bottom line and one industry (Food) eventually feeds another (Big Pharma).

Pay the farmer now, or pay pharma later ...

I love that!