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RE: The Doomsday Drip (Where are you living?)

in #story7 months ago

It's never-ending work in a world of constant feels like surfing. If we lose our focus for one split second we fall.

It certainly doesn't seem to be working out well for England. We follow quite a few British YouTubers and the cities seem to be deteriorating like ours are in America.

You've encapsulated my entire message in that last sentence. Hearts can be seduced but minds of those who can still think critically, not so much. It goes so beyond just two candidates, the entire system is broken and needs to be revamped -- no more corporate lobbying, age/term limits, etc., etc. So many things need to change.


There's a LOT of institutions that need to change - education another case in point. It's like we have gone so far that we can't step forward or back.Think of all the radical change in the past few hundred years in all kinds of areas - but we can't change something so integral to the way our society functions.

I agree, pretty much all three-lettered agencies need a complete overhaul.