Go deep. Listen. Forgive. Be humble. Give credit where credit is due. Seek peace. Seek truth. Seek balance. Unplug. Spend time with the elderly. Trust, but verify. Be careful who you share your dreams and secrets with. Decentralize your life. Read books. Always have a Plan B. Have zero expectations of others. Cultivate happiness. Be kind always, especially to yourself. Get out of your own way. Meditate. Accept sincere compliments. Hug hard. Admit mistakes. Be here. Get to know yourself. Talk to animals. Reconnect with joy. Open your mind. Face your fears regularly. Under promise, over deliver. Don’t compare yourself with others. Stop being so damned serious. Open your heart. Agree to disagree. Care. Have a drink in an unfamiliar bar in the middle of the afternoon. Take calculated risks. Sleep well. Buy Bitcoin. Don’t keep your Bitcoin on an exchange. Live simply. People and experience over things always. Stay curious. Breathe deeply. Give sincere compliments. Be comfortable spending time alone. Prepare for your future early. Be frugal. Travel. Pay attention. Celebrate victories (no matter how small.) Have hope. Learn a few jokes. Say I love you. Sing karaoke. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, learn from them. Ask for help when you need it. Remember, small minds gossip. Walk in the woods. Trust your instincts. Call an old friend. Listen to podcasts and audiobooks when exercising.
Learn another language. Buy the best quality you can afford, it’s always less expensive in the end. Watch comedies. Keep in mind everyone is struggling. Resist the poison of pessimism. Skip the news. Think critically. Don’t procrastinate. Learn to see both sides. Take care of your stuff. Keep your inner circle small. Invest in yourself. Keep a journal or write a blog, regularly. Buy an ultrasonic toothbrush. Take care of the planet. Remember bad choices have grave consequences but good choices pay dividends. Reward yourself. Police your thoughts, they become your reality. Try new things. Never grow up. You are capable of much more than than you realize. When you feel sad or stuck, don't get discouraged just remember something has to change. Don’t be hypocritical. Remember, life is short. Call others out on their bad behavior. Stand up for the weak. Expect others’ full attention. Learn to code.
Determine when it’s best to move on. Take a deep breath. Believe in karma. Move your body. Try qigong. Have a hobby. Get comfortable speaking in front of others. Put down your damn phone. Be here now. Be generous. Pay attention to children, they’re often wiser than you think. Focus on gratitude. Be engaged in government. Cook for yourself. Grow a garden. Look at the stars. Vote and know the candidates’ platforms. Have at least one true friend. Know your worth. Spend time with people who see the world a different way. Don’t blindly follow. Try THC at least once. Be skeptical of politicians’ promises. Carry a small Swiss Army knife. Learn how to defend yourself. Know how to change a flat tire. Look people in the eye. Perfect a firm handshake. Realize no one sees the world the exact same way as you. Say hello to strangers. Master small talk. Do push-ups every day. Own at least one nice suit. Pay attention to your posture. Think outside of the box. Expect abundance. Work smart.
Cherish life. Don’t give a fook what other people think of you. Be better every day. Don’t bullshit yourself. Get good haircuts. Take care of your health as if your life depended on it. Don’t fall for fad diets. Cultivate good habits. Relax. You are the sum of the five people you spend the most time with, be choosy. Drink green tea. Learn how to play chess. We all come with an expiration date, don’t waste your time worrying. Stay calm during times of adversity. Believe in good luck. Admit you don’t know it all. Smile. Know the difference between wants and needs. Defer gratification but not joy. Avoid as much debt as you can. Never allow someone to mistreat you twice. Learn the meanings of the words narcissist, psychopath, and sociopath, commit those definitions to memory, and know how to spot their traits. Practice moderation.
Don’t rely on others for your joy. Limit processed sugar intake. Set goals and have a plan. Don't be afraid to start again from scratch. Don’t overthink. Have multiple income streams. Follow your dreams. Make time for yourself. Tread lightly, love deeply. Remember the truth is often found between the two extremes. We all have seeds of good and bad in us, it’s up to us which ones we water. Be a good neighbor. You can’t change people, they have to change themselves. There are no coincidences. Set boundaries and priorities. Focus. Not everyone is your friend, few wish you harm, many are just indifferent.
Pull your own weight. Keep promises. Know your strengths and weaknesses. Pay attention to your dreams. Take nothing for granted. Make time for those you love, you never know when they’ll be snatched away. Show up a little early. Don’t be a slave to your brain chemicals. Give second chances but not thirds. Broken people will try to break you. Life will rise or fall based on your expectations. Know that no one has it all figured out. Learn what brings you lasting happiness. Study the cycles of the past so you can predict the future. Stand for something. Create awesome memories, they will be all you have some day. Take good care of each other because we’re all in this together.
All for now.
With Gratitude,
Eric Vance Walton

Poetry should move us, it should change us, it should glitch our brains, shift our moods to another frequency. Poetry should evoke feelings of melancholy, whimsy, it should remind us what it feels like to be in love, or cause us to think about something in a completely different way. I view poetry, and all art really, as a temporary and fragile bridge between our world and a more pure and refined one. This is a world we could bring into creation if enough of us believed in it. This book is ephemera, destined to end up forgotten, lingering on some dusty shelf or tucked away in a dark attic. Yet the words, they will live on in memory. I hope these words become a part of you, bubble up into your memory when you least expect them to and make you feel a little more alive.
Pick up a copy of Ephemera today on Amazon.

Most of us have experienced a moment of perfect peace at least once in our lives. In these moments we lose ourselves and feel connected to everything. I call these mindful moments. Words can’t describe how complete they make us feel.
These moments are usually fragile, evaporating in seconds. What if there was a way to train your mind to experience more of them? It’s deceptively easy and requires nothing more than a subtle shift in mindset. My new book, Mindful Moments, will teach you to be much more content despite the chaos and imperfect circumstances continuing to unfold around you. Upgrade your life experience today for only $15.99 on Amazon.com.
Let’s Keep In Touch

The message you give us is impressive, how many simple things there are to do and make our life better.
I wish you a splendid weekend. Enjoy itHow are you dear friend @ericvancewalton good afternoon
Good morning! It was an interesting week to say that least! How was yours? I'm glad you enjoyed this. Our weather is turning a little colder at night now. The frost will be here in just a few weeks now. Take care my friend and enjoy your weekend!
Can't argue with a single one of these, but I have a question - how do you not keep your bitcoin on an exchange? If you can direct me to where I can figure this out, I would really appreciate it.
suryu (I think).Here's a little haiku you've inspired. @raj808 would say it's not really a haiku, but a
don’t get in your way!
undo your fixation
on fixing yourself
A cold storage wallet is the answer. I really like the Nano Ledger X. If you buy one be sure to get it directly from the company and not a third party. There've been some reports of wallets from third party vendors being tampered with and compromised. Be sure to write down your recovery seed phrase if you get one and store that someplace safe.
Nice haiku and it's true! Self-improvement can become it's own addiction and can keep you from living fully in the present moment.
Thank for the advice. I've looked into Nano Ledger X (thanks to a post of yours) and it looks really interesting.
You're welcome! The Nano Ledger X is really the best out there. I have Trezors too and they work fine but the Nano is just more flexible (they hold more kinds of coins) and, I think, they're more secure. I like the fact that it works with bluetooth as well. It's nice to be able to check balances and send coins from your phone when you're away from your computer.
would you mind also telling me where to go to set up auto upvoting for my very busy weeks ahead?
I'm sorry but I've never done that. You may want to pose the question in a blog post. I'll be following too because that would be great to know how to do that.
Just found this
Nano ledger X
is my hardware wallet choice -
stored in senyru 😂
Thanks for the correction! Yes I will have to look into this Nano Ledger X. It seems to be a very small device though. Perhaps a bit too easy to lose?
ha ha, yeah that is the only problem with Bitcoin/Crypto in general. Lose the key or device the key is stored on and you're screwed.
Although I think a ledger is pretty easy to secure. If you have millions $ of BTC then it can be put in a safety dpst box or safe. Other options are to buy a fire proof/water proof strong box and bury it somewhere. When you get a ledger and use it for the first time you create a seed phrase and that is actually what you need to keep safe. If someone steals the ledger, or you lose it, as long as you have the piece of paper with the seed phrase you can recover the crypto. So in truth it is important to keep that seed phrase stored on paper in a few secure locations.
Thank you rowan! So it looks like I order a device to get started. Do you recommend one? I doubt I'll be doing much trading, but ya never know.
I can only speak about the ledger nano X which I bought about a year ago. This is basically a hardware wallet that also has an app on your phone which shows how much crypto you have stored on the device.
This device has worked fine for me, and it is relatively easy to use. As I said before though, the most important thing to remember is that if you loose the seed phrase that is created when you first set up your bitcoin wallet you will loose the crypto. This is essentially what keeps the BTC (and other crypto if you store anything else on the device) safe and offline. It is basically a paper wallet connected to a device so that it's easier to transfer to and from exchanges.
See this video below which is the one I used to initially set up my BTC wallet on my ledger and transfer BTC to it. Hope all this helps 🙂
THIS IS GREAT!!!! Thanks!
Awwwww.. Thank you.
I should keep a screenshot of this.
What prompted you to write this? What must have gone through your mind to give this life-long admonition?
You're welcome! This hit me like a bolt of lightning. I was watching TV a few nights ago and it all came to me at once and I typed it out in my iPhone's Notes app. As I was writing it I was thinking how long it took me to learn all this stuff. I figured I would turn it into a blog post to, hopefully, give the younger readers a short-cut.
Wow. Thank you for the short cuts.
I hope to remember them and not take a longer route, after knowing this.
My pleasure!
I'd take a sentence or two everyday from this writeup, to use as my mantra for the day. Thank you 😊
My pleasure!
Wow. This sounds like a keynote speech at a Stanford graduation. You should record yourself reading this and put chillstep music to it and we can listen to it. I love it!
Thanks for that compliment and I'm glad you enjoyed it! Not a bad idea about recording it, @littlescribe! I can imagine having these written out on on signs like this ---
Yes!!! That would be so awesome!!!! But also, your voice, to chillstep, with some psychedellic type background art, and we're set. For life. You could do like a midnight meditation for insomniacs and manifestors and shit.
How did I not know about this genre of music?! Oh yeah, I’m 50 years old. 😂 I love it! Thanks for the introduction. 🙏🏼 I’m going down the chillstep rabbithole and have listened to some on Spotify. Any particular artists I should check out?
Alan Watts. It's a TRIP. He's meditative and inspiring.
Great, I'll check him out! Thanks again for the recommendations.
For the background art I can envision fractals….
Thank you, for these beautiful, wise reminders, Eric. May we be equal, in our day to day, to our (ancient) wisdom 🙏🏽✨
You're welcome my friend!
May we be equal, in our day to day, to our (ancient) wisdom
Very well said!
These are very interesting and wise words of advice for one to live life by. Although I must confess it isn't easy considering everything that Is going on in the world as a whole.
It is imperative that one finds a way to forge ahead with all the uncertainties life has to offer.
Thank you
Thanks! You're right, it's not easy but during times like these it's more important than ever to actively monitor and take control of your own overall well-being. I almost titled this "The Antidote For Now" because I was thinking about how tough it is in the world right now.
Wow, now that was refreshing. You are quite the wordsmith. So much of what your wrote hit home with me. Thanks for you words of wisdom, very soothing.
Thank you! This came to me like my poems typically do....almost all at once. There's this huge sense of urgency then I I have to race to get all the words down. Thankfully, the iPhone is never far away. Before I published this I was out on a bike ride and another few paragraphs' worth popped into my head. I had to pull over and type it all out. I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Oh, yes I really did enjoy it. I am a seeker, I really want to know more always.
I am so glad we have met on #hive, I feel special that you would enjoy my words, I know yours are soothing.
I'm glad it struck a chord! I'm happy we met too! Isn't Hive amazing? I've met so many like-minded people here, friends across the globe that I'll have for life. That's the most valuable thing. Thanks for the kind words about my work!
My pleasure. Hive really is amazing, I have yet to meet an unkind person on the platform. I really enjoy conversing with others from all over the world. So cool.
Hope you are enjoying your day.
What's even better is when you can meet people face to face. I've been to two conferences and a couple of overseas trips and they're as awesome in real life. My wife and I were able to see a completely different side of Amsterdam and London with the help of local Hivians.
Never care what others think about what you do, and never delay what you want to do, because it might be too late...
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