I’m a big fan of podcasts. Not only are they great ways to learn but as with The Joe Rogan Experience, they are some of the least biased sources of news and information left available.
My goal with this new Hive series is to eventually turn it into a podcast. I want the content to be a mashup of random thoughts, poetry, humor, and news from my own unique perspective. If you’ve connected with my past work please stay tuned for more episodes and, with any luck, eventually a podcast.
The vision for this series is becoming crystal clear but what I still need is the name. So far the best I’ve come up with is Trickles of Transcendence. Yeah or Meh?
Can you think of anything better? It needs to be four words or less, be catchy and unique, and speak to the content.
I’d love to hear your ideas.
Are We Becoming What We Despise?

Who is Satoshi? The answer to that question truly is anyone who holds Bitcoin. Since the Cypherpunks first created the Bitcoin white paper there has been a revolutionary element to the project. The entire idea took root during the peak of the Housing Crisis and enormous bank bailouts, after all.
Whether investors realize it or not Bitcoin is as much a movement as it is a currency or investment vehicle. The more you know about Bitcoin the more you see the ingenious revolutionary aspects of it are built into the code, independent of those who hold or trade it. If you buy and hold Bitcoin you are indeed part of the revolution.
As the cryptocurrency space has become more diluted, swelling to over five thousand different coins I’ve seen less and less of that original idealism. I guess this was bound to happen as cryptocurrency and blockchain evolved but was one thing that many of the crypto-OG’s underestimated.
During the previous bull cycle of 2017/8 we saw a plethora of scammy ICOs, talk of Lambos, and catch-phrases but this cycle has brought with it DeFi, Nfts, and behaviors reminiscent of 1980’s Wall Street. As we all become more wealthy together I think it’s important to have a purpose more profound than just making more money. I think it’s important to continually ask, Are we becoming what we despise?
Eulogy for a Friend

Over the past few decades I’ve used my writing skills in just about every way imaginable. This past week was a first for me. I had the honor of writing the eulogy for a good friend of ours who left this world far too soon.
It wasn’t an easy thing to write. I mean how do you sum up a life in three pages? Joe was only a few years older than me and his passing was another reminder of how little time we have and how important it is to make the most of it. Rest easy my friend.
The Perfect Pause

Again, I’d like to thank everyone who followed, engaged with, and reblogged my meditation series, The Perfect Pause.
I’ll be working on getting the Table of Contents created soon for this so there will be one easy to find landing page to navigate to all of the chapters.
I basically rewrote a good portion of the book as I was posting it so I’ll be publishing a revised version of the book on Amazon soon as well.
If You Can’t Beat Them Join Them

Speaking of podcasts, I was listening to JRE #1713 with former CIA agent Mike Baker. It seems that soon your credit score will likely depend on more than just your financial responsibility. If banks have their way your credit score will also be determined by your digital footprint including things like -- your web browsing, search, and purchase history.
I frankly didn’t believe it so I had to do a little research on my own and it seems this idea has been being tossed around for the past few years. The IMF has studied it under the guise of creating a “more accurate” credit score and being able to offer credit to more people.
This sounds an awful lot like China's social credit score to me and it’s something to pay very close attention to. If we're not careful the world will soon become a lot more dystopian in nature. The potential for abuse of this kind of privacy overreach should scare the bejeezus out of us all.
(Gifs sourced from Giphy.com, photo is original.)
All for now.
With Gratitude,
Eric Vance Walton

Poetry should move us, it should change us, it should glitch our brains, shift our moods to another frequency. Poetry should evoke feelings of melancholy, whimsy, it should remind us what it feels like to be in love, or cause us to think about something in a completely different way. I view poetry, and all art really, as a temporary and fragile bridge between our world and a more pure and refined one. This is a world we could bring into creation if enough of us believed in it. This book is ephemera, destined to end up forgotten, lingering on some dusty shelf or tucked away in a dark attic. Yet the words, they will live on in memory. I hope these words become a part of you, bubble up into your memory when you least expect them to and make you feel a little more alive.
Pick up a copy of Ephemera today on Amazon.

Most of us have experienced a moment of perfect peace at least once in our lives. In these moments we lose ourselves and feel connected to everything. I call these mindful moments. Words can’t describe how complete they make us feel.
These moments are usually fragile, evaporating in seconds. What if there was a way to train your mind to experience more of them? It’s deceptively easy and requires nothing more than a subtle shift in mindset. My new book, Mindful Moments, will teach you to be much more content despite the chaos and imperfect circumstances continuing to unfold around you. Upgrade your life experience today for only $15.99 on Amazon.com.
Let’s Keep In Touch

And mpaybe even much worse than the one in 1984. Some people used to say that reality is worse and more cruel than anything else, including our worst nightmares.
But I hope that the future will not be dark. Especially not that dark.
I hope people wake up before this change is instituted. They will be forcing people to hand over their privacy if they want to take part in the traditional financial system and have access to credit. This could be the final step that creates such a swell of outrage that people leave legacy finance altogether but the key will be they have to be awake enough to see the danger in it.
I am sorry for your friend. As the time passes, I think the same that we don't really have a long time to live. Morever, it is not certain that we will be alive tomorrow. Thus, do whatever you want at the right time if possible.
Thank you! It's definitely a good idea to make the most of the time we have. One never knows!
In my developing country, people are still very new to podcasts and cryptocurrencies. I feel grateful to get a lot of new knowledge from your writings or from the internet. It seems the world is developing very fast. .Currently I am trying to compensate for my shortcomings by always following new things through the internet. Hope you have a wonderful day, Eric.
I'm glad you have access to Hive and the internet in general. In days past people in developing countries or remote areas were cut off from the rest of the world. News and information trickled in slowly then, if at all. You're probably among the first in your country to be exposed to cryptocurrency. I hope you enjoy the rest of your week!
I enjoyed reading your thoughts on the bitcoin revolution. Your judgments coincide with mine.
Thanks for reading!
You have very interesting thoughts. I subscribed to you, I will comment, I will increase my strength, vote with benefit. Check out my last post please, it was not supported ..https://hive.blog/creativecoin/@bammbuss/american-beauty
Interesting read Eric. It seems to me that the only chance we have to take back our privacy is to just check out. Using social media, on-line banking, on-line purchasing, although we are told it's all secure, that is just not the case. The little people are powerless against the corporate giants, the hugely wealthy, the greed that has taken over our society. But I see a glimmer of hope within the crypto space. This may be the only time in History when the playing field is level. The only time when the average Joe has a fair shot at financial security. Up until now, the banks owned us, credit companies exploit us and the balance of wealth is completely lopsided, rigged to benefit the 1%. Politician are out to line their own pockets, regardless of who or what gets hurt.
Idk, things are complicated, let's hope we find our humanity soon.
By the way, I just got your book yesterday. It's wonderful, so far anyway. I read some poems before bed last night. Good stuff! Thanks so much, I am honored to have that beautiful book.
You're very welcome! I hope you continue to enjoy the book. It's definitely going to become more and more difficult to maintain any sort of privacy, especially here in the US. Crypto, for the moment, is a sort of life raft for many. I pray that the on/off ramps aren't closed or severely restricted. That's my fear. They're already diminishing trading pairs on US exchanges.
I have been wanting to dig into the Joe Rogan podcasts for a while now, but good god, each of them is like three hours long! Who has that kind of time! :) There is a new podcast I saw the other day talking about the town I work in and how it is known for one of the greatest strains of pot ever created (or something like that). I plan on listening to that sometime :P
Oh man, the podcasts are so good. The length is kind of prohibitive psychologically but it'll sometimes take me 3-4 days (or more) to listen to a single podcast. Really? Do you remember the name of the strain? A long time ago (1980s/90s) Meigs County in Ohio was pretty famous for some potent strains. : )
Oh yeah for sure. Pinconning Paralyzer. The little town known for cheese and weed!
Here is the news story that references the podcast.
Doe Rogan put out one podcast per week or per day? Per day would just be nuts unless he is a machine!
Whoa, that sounds potent! Thanks for the link, I'll check it out. I just wish they would legalize it nationwide and be done with it. The tax revenue could do so much good.
Rogan does publish new eps just about every week day. I don't know how he juggles it all, quite honestly. He flies out for comedy tours on weekends. He does have an entire staff to help with editing and such so I'm sure that's how he makes it all work. It would still be a tough schedule.
I still remember him as the handyman on News Radio. Crazy how far he has come!
For sure. He's a good example of where ambition will get you. You get little glimpses into his journey during his podcasts and he has taken many, many leaps of faith.
Hello dear friend @ericvancewalton good afternoon
I am very sorry for the loss of your friend; Without a doubt, life is shorter than we suppose
I realized that life passes so fast, when the other day I gave advice to my granddaughter, and I told her not to rush to grow up and enjoy her childhood. There I remembered that it seemed to be Hayer, the same advice my grandfather gave me
I wish you a beautiful afternoon. That you enjoy it a lot
Thank you my friend! That's great advice you gave to your granddaughter. I hope you have a good night and a wonderful week ahead. We're halfway through!
I would like to comment something about the content but it would be a bit incoherent due to the amount of topics you have written, however I can tell you that I am sorry about your friend, BTC is still uncertain for more than 80%, and a dream for the great most, and congratulations on the book ...
Thank you! More and more are investing in crypto but it's still such a small amount in the grand scheme of things.
Joe Rogan.
No one source is completely unbiased but when compared with MSM without a doubt less.
admittedly I stopped being a daily listener of his when I moved up north and quit my job where podcasts were the only source of entertainment, but I was finding his bias was showing quite a bit before I stopped listening.
I still enjoy the odd clips that manage to find their way to me. I also enjoy the whole aspect of "Dumb guy asks Smart people dumb questions" because very very rarely do "we" get the chance to ask those types of questions.
He certainly has a knack for interviewing and seems to make people comfortable enough to let their guards down. That's what I enjoy most about it. I've learn lots from him and Lex Fridman.