These days there’s so much in the world to be mad, fearful, and anxious about. Crack open just any mainstream news publication and you can count on a shitstorm of doom, gloom, and negativity. Endless campaigns devised to win our hearts and minds and to try to tell us the kind of person we should be, how we should think, what we should feel. You can expect the same outcome on most social media platforms, especially the one that begins with “F” that we don’t discuss much on Steemit.
Amidst this tsunami of this negativity and propaganda, imagine trying to make a living as a writer. This is a career path that oftentimes feels like climbing Mt. Everest on a tightrope with no net and slippery shoes. It goes without saying that to preserve some shred of sanity you have to find creative ways to extract the positive out of life.
“Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement.” ~ Golda Meir
It took me twenty-three years of extremely hard work and rejections to find success as an author. In those decades I became quite adept at learning to see clearly through the impenetrable darkness. By some stroke of luck it eventually worked out.
The most important survival strategy I learned in the trenches is this...celebrate each and every small victory.
I can trace my career backwards and I see that, as I felt more desperate, the celebrations became more frequent.
I’ll never forget when I typed those last few words of the final draft of my first novel. It was a cold winter day and my wife and I went to a local restaurant in the middle of the afternoon. We had the entire restaurant to ourselves and it was as though they were open just for us. In that moment we existed in a bubble of pure elation. At the time we had no clue the places that book would take us but it felt significant and we celebrated the joy of it.
A particularly large goal will be realized in the next few months (the details of which will be shared later.) To celebrate the joy of it, my plan is to hike the Kumano Kodo Nakahechi route in Japan. This trek will consist of reflective day long hikes in the mystical Japanese forest surrounding Kyoto followed by lengthy soaks in natural hot springs.
Each year I live the less I know. Life is a process of emptying ourselves, with the goal of becoming nothing more than a chalice that captures each individual moment. After nearly a half century of being a passenger on this wild and wonderful spaceship we call Earth there’s one bit of advice I feel confident in sharing.
Trust yourself.
Most four year olds understand this perfectly. It sounds simple but it’s not easy. Each day life will try its best to beat it out of you in every way possible. The harder you fight back, the tougher the obstacles become.
The beauty of it all is one day it won’t matter how difficult the obstacles were. If you keep fanning those flames one day you will wake up a master.
Yours in the Chain,
Eric Vance Walton.
(Gif sourced from Giphy.com)

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*I am an American novelist, poet, traveler, and crypto-enthusiast. If you’ve enjoyed my work please sign up for my author newsletter at my website. Newsletter subscribers will receive exclusive updates and special offers and your information will never be sold or shared.
My book on meditation, The Perfect Pause, is priced at $12.99 (paperback) and $4.99 (eBook). Buy the paperback and receive the eBook for free!

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Very inspirational article . You are very positive person and apply positive things in your life . I can learn from you many things .
Today you bring us meaningful advice, @eri. I can feel at this moment a lot of anger for the government of my country, for my country, for the citizens of my country, but I know that bothering me does not solve anything. I have discovered that with writing I can let off steam and find relief, inner peace. It's always good to make a journey, if you can't physically, mentally, through a book, but change spaces, unplug yourself. Perhaps the secret of happiness is not to think that it is extraordinary, difficult, but that we can have it every day and in small doses. A heartfelt embrace. Your reader.
One day you will wake up and be the Master. I love this! I agree- we need more Positive things in life! One of them for me is Steem Monsters, lol! I see you have your Summoners are set! I sent you a few Epics! :-)
Thank you! Steem Monsters are AWESOME. I really appreciate the gift @clove71. : )
Yes, everyone is so excited about them...including myself, lol!!
Oh how I relate to each and every line of this post! I look forward to hearing all about your particularly large goal :) Hiking the Kumano Kodo- fantastic my friend!!
Love and happiness to you always!
So glad you enjoyed it @dreemit. I just noticed today that the last HF disconnected us so I "re-followed" you. It seems like every time there's an update I get disconnected from people. Love and happiness to you too, my friend. I hope all is well!
I've been trying to pull this through in some of my stories about this shit hole we are in called Earth, the idea of waking up to big brothers polluting our minds with doom and negatives message made me do away with them for close to a year.
You also gave me much encouragement in this post of yours.
Do have a nice weekend.
Yours in Steeming
Perfect motivation, my friend and you are right, self-confidence allows us to reveal many abilities and find strengths to move forward, and this in our lives, I think, is the most important! Thank you, Eric.
It is really great to trust one's self. No one can believe in you the way you believe in yourself. How are you @ericvancewalton. I am a new comer here. Still trying to find my way around.
I wrote my poems for five years free on facebook because nobody was willing to back up a writer who was not tested and trusted.
It was total misery most of my early twenties I struggled and most times I feel ill as a result of depression from rejection.
You're right we often come out as masters you know it took steemit to recognise the real value of my works like hell when I came here it was totally celebrated and now I have the money to invest on my ideas and sell them comfortably.
It's amazing hearing how you finally overcame your trying times as a writer.
I suffered from that same Catch-22 @josediccus. Publications weren't willing to give me a chance because I was an unknown but without being published it was hard to build a following. Thankfully, these days, platforms like Steemit allow us to build our audiences organically and free (better than free because they pay us to write.)
So happy to hear you're finding success here! Thanks.
excelte idea to make that walk in the Japanese, sindudas will be very reflective.
Thank you very much for translating these positive feelings
I wish you a good weekend@ericvancewalton emotive post dear friend, I admire how you write and the ability to convey feelings in your words. I agree with you, all the success lies in trusting yourself and you celebrate the little things in life, which ultimately are the ones that matter.
I can relate. It has taken me over thirty years to finally realize
who juan really is. Sometimes l wish l would have trusted my gut
feelings instead of listening to others and following the crowd when l
was much younger. Going on sixty years of age and a second chance
on life motivates me to show the world you l really am.
Thanks, Juan! It's been fun to see your motivation take root as you learn about, and begin to redefine, yourself. Life is definitely about the journey and it all unfolds as it was meant to. Looking forward to a few days in Montreal soon!
I like that. "Trust Yourself"
I think it is so important for us to love ourselves from the inside and from there it is where it all starts especially to trust ourselves, since if we don't love who we are on the inside it is very hard to trust ourselves.
Thank you @ericvancewalton for this great write up
Your twenty three year hard work is showing in your article . Very good written . You are a good writer .
To be honest at this very age I have seen many things that was not not supposed to be seen by me but yet life is the most eligible teacher that tells the truth about itself.
Yes will sure follow your words especially the celebrating the small victories :)
Will sure be strong and will face the situations more courageously :)
Yes, I always have confidence in myself to overcome obstacles and to be able to move forward on my journey. Life is involved in many difficulties that make us stronger and better prepared for the future. Whether it's work, love, money, or any other aspect.
Well said. Current society much use social medias and televisions. Lot of medias trying to give their customers, negatively news updates. Peoples very recently kissing negative once without any find. In fact need to control our habit in front of social media. Stop watching and listening bad news; only hear positive conversation. Tough decision for future life.
Thank you for this inspirational post. Enjoyed and Japan sounds wonderful. Life is about memories and having fun after all.
Persistence is the key. :)
Thank you for reading! I can't wait to experience that hike @rebeccabe. What an incredible year its been.
And there is more to come .. haha! We are only 1/2 way through the year.
This article is full of positivity and these lines are very good - The most important survival strategy I learned in the trenches is this...celebrate each and every small victory.
Dear sir, it's very inspiring post for us. Really self confidence is greater , give us more power and it can be up us higher position.
I always like your post and get inspiration most of your post. Thanks for your wonderful motivation post.
Awaesome post
Celebrate each and every small victory. That is my favorite part. We can become so focused on achieving the "big things" that we forget that life is made up of thousands of the "little things". Great article.