The bustle in the courtyard had subsided back into the calm, functional state it had always been. Half an hour had passed since Orlon gathered up four other men and left via the large front entrance to hunt down Miguel. Though there was a distinct unease amongst those left behind. Feelings of an unsettled confusion and worry. Some select guardsman and workers could be seen exchanging chits of paper discreetly as they past each other in the main compound. Others would mutter to their compadre behind stiff, unmoving lips. The name of the game was to lie low, carry on as normal and attempt to piece together what in the hell was going on. All from nothing more than the scraps of murmurings being spread throughout the camp. Fear and unrest was rising fast and Emerald watched the entire process play out before her from the window of her bedroom chamber.
A young man, no more than in his early twenties, scrubbed at the floor where two of his colleagues had been executed. She studied his movements as he moved to soak the large rag in a bucket next to him before slapping it flat onto the floor and oscillating his hands back and forth with vigour once more. The merciless sun beat down on him with sweat pouring from his brow. She could almost taste the tears waiting to burst from his eyes. Already it was plain to see his days were numbered in here. The constant pressures of wanting to do right by Orlon, of not wanting to leave a speck of crimson upon that concentrate slab where the murders took place. It was breaking him as a man, little by little. Chipping away at the few remaining tattered shreds of self-worth he had left. Emerald had no idea where he came from or how he had ended up in this hellhole, now referred to as “home”, but one thing was for sure. He had been a goner from day one. Everybody who worked under her father’s employment knew and accepted the deal they got. There was only one way out of his service. Escape or in a body bag. Whether the reasons were to provide a better life for their families on the outside or finding a safe haven away from the authorities for some previous criminal escapades, this place was a simple guaranteed one-way ticket sacrifice. Their lives were in a lifetime’s custody of Orlon DeMarc in exchange for money, protection and loyal service.
There was a gentle tap on the door. Emerald stood to attention as she was only too aware that her father had locked it before his departure. ”Yes? Who is it?” She called out, in her usual brazen manner. A set of keys jangled behind the lock as one found it’s way into the slot and turned, letting out a mild click. The door swung open with Emerald maintaining her poise.
”What the hell are you doing here?” She exclaimed, scowling back at the large, burly gentleman who entered. Marcus closed the door and paced up to her carrying a bowl of hot water and a handkerchief. ”I’m sorry. I had to come and see if you were OK. That bruise is still looking patchy and raw.”
”I’m fine.” She replied, disregarding the worry in his voice. ”It’ll heal in time. Just make sure my temporary suffering hasn’t been all for nothing. This is our one shot. Please remember, Marcus.” She took the handkerchief draped over his shoulder, dabbed in a few times in the tepid water and pressed in upon her eye. He offered to assist but was met with an extended palm in the air. ”It’s OK. I got it.” She said.
A deep throbbing bolt of pain came shooting back, causing her to wince to agony. ”You got me real good.” She continued. ”That’s some strength you got in that arm there. You sure you didn’t use a tad more power than you intended to.”
He shook his head. ”I’m sorry, Emerald. Don’t make me feel any worse than I already do. I used as little force and as much control as was necessary to inflict minimal discomfort. I’m can’t tell you how it hurts me to see you this way.” He reached out and caressing the unblemished side of her face. She responded by nestling herself into his cupped hand and broke into a smile. ”I asked you for this, Marcus. Please don’t feel bad. However we haven’t got much time. Orlon will be back home soon. Did he tell you how long he’d be away for?”
Marcus gave a mild smirk, curling his lip up on one side. ”Orlon? Giving anybody, even me, a rundown of his schedule for the day? No, he just left me these.” Marcus held up a small set of rusted iron keys and jiggled them about. ”That’s about as far as his trust goes I’m afraid.”
”Which is far enough for us.” She said, with a stern expression on her face. ”You’re the only man in this whole godforsaken pit of purgatory that he would entrust with my life. Now please, move quickly. Like I said, we haven’t much time.”
She shifted her eyes, squinting over the keys and pointed. ”That one. Right there. With the orange discolouration at the top. That’s the one you’ll need.”
”I know, darling.” He muttered back, drawing his hand away. ”But I just had to come and see how you were doing first.” With that, he moved over to the window and peered out. ”The men are really spooked by Orlon’s actions earlier on. All they wanna do is keep their heads down and stay out of trouble. Sorry son’s of bitches. Look at Sergio out there, mopping up those last traces of blood. I’ll bet it’s long gone cleaned up by now. But he refuses to stop. Maybe it’s some kind of ritual to subdue his mind or something. You can see how shit scared he is. I reckon he just wants to make sure the job is thorough enough so that he doesn’t end up with one of those same lead bullets in the back of his head too.”
”My father is not a monster!” She barked back. ”If you had a daughter and the same thing happened to her, you’d react no less. Now quick! Before he returns.” He looked back and saw she was losing patience with him fast. However he was certain Orlon would be gone for hours given how slippery Miguel could be. They had picked the perfect candidate and he was doing what was required of him right down to a tee.
”Alright.” He said, striding back to the door. ”Wish me luck. This shouldn’t take too long.” As he was leaving, Emerald called out. ”Marcus! When you’re finished, please come back here. We need to talk before he returns. Get things straight, you know? To absolutely make sure of everything. Is that OK?”
He grinned, showing off his finely chiselled features with a thick jet black mane swept over to one side of his head. ”Of course, baby. Where else did you think I was going?”

AWESOME!! Now that was not a twist I saw coming, bravo my talented friend! I was already intrigued, now I'm hooked :)
I know that you have gotten behind on your reading, and please do not feel bad about that in any way, I mean it, I only brought it up because I thought you might like to check out a post of mine that isn't part of a big story, lol. It's a small insight into the writer I am today and how different it could have been.
Thanks very much, @dreemit! Means a lot to me. And in regards to your post? I'm already there. :)
Great work once again. Love it!@ezzy the more I read this the more I can see it as a movie. When you sell the rights to Chris Nolan I want to be a lacky on the set ;) That would be good enough for me.
Hey there, @buckydurddle! Man, those are some mighty fine compliments. Very humbled, sir. Thank you very much indeed. :)
This is definitely different from what I've seen before from you, brother. Is this in any way connected to your short story? The way you crafted the dialogue here is not what I was used to, but it's equally great. What can I say that I haven't said before? I'm a huge fan of how you craft your characters and their dynamics. Truly an example to follow.
You've already built such a huge following here, and it's only continuing to grow. I've said it months ago, and now it's coming to fruition. You truly are on a level that can't be reached anymore. I'm proud of what you've accomplished! :D
My bro! Thank you so much. I've got a lot riding on this one. And yes, let's just say the original "short story" was something of a prologue to the main one. I'm attempting to put a lot of emphasis of character development early on so thank you very much for noticing that.
I'm privileged to be part of this awesome group and indeed in the company of such greats as yourself. I can only hope that you produce another work similar to your other masterpiece A Day In The Clouds. Though with your life being so busy at the moment, I guess we'll have to wait a while. But I'm nobody special. Just a guy learning the ropes of life and trying to attain a better level of writing as we all are. And you are one of those I get huge inspiration from. Never forget that and know your worth for how great it actually is.
Bless you, my brother! :)
You know, the environment that a child is raised in is about the most important indicator as to how they will turn out. In a safe neighborhood with loving parents and often the kid will turn out ok. Flip it around, and often the kid will become the next generation of criminals.
I can only imagine what Emerald had to go through and see as she grew up. Your hidden ways of telling us this is truly outstanding. Well done my friend! Eagerly await future chapters!
Hey, @getonthetrain! You got that right and then some! A child is a product of the "sum of all parts" of their developing environment. Will they follow in the footsteps of their nurturing mentors or lead a separate path away from the ones they've always known?
I've got a lot in store for the characters in this book and can't wait to get to the real "meat" of this book. Thank you, my brother! Always such a pleasure to see your name here. :)
Incredible chapter, @ezzy. So they are plotting against Orlon? I had my suspicions and now they have been confirmed. What is Emerald going to do next? Are they a couple or something? You have opened up with an absolute blinder of an opener. I've so completely hooked already. I just hope I am strapped in for a long ride. Amazing writing and characterisation, just amazing, @ezzy.
Awesome comment, @myb. Thank you very much. Things are heating up for now and will get "extra" hot pretty soon. Hope to see you then. :)
So now we know, a little bit anyway, still not sure of Emeralds motive though, she seemed to support her father in his actions, yet knew those actions to be wrong, so who is the evil one? The concerned drug dealing father? Or the conniving little princess? Will Miguel's family find safety? Does Orlan know of them or where they may go? Very well written, and leaving us with a ton of questions to think about before next installment. Nice.
Hey @bashadow. Man, thanks for stopping by. And I'm so glad you picked up on some subtle hints I'm dropping in here in regards to Emerald. All that is there for a reason, buddy. Thanks again and see you at the next part. :)
Cool novel @ezzy keep going
nice post my friend and nice story again thanks for sharing
Nice one, buddy. Thanks for dropping by. :)
Good work continued
Thnx @ezzy for putting this info all together.
I am steemit new-bie. Yout post is very intersting
great work!!
good job.
Thank for sharing @ezzy