Thanks for your feedback, buddy! I mentioned the action was cliched towards the end, but not the romance. However, I definitely agree that the character of Debora seems to get too involved in this new life of danger and unrequited devotion to Baby too quickly. Also, I guess we could have had a multitude of possible different endings, but if that's the vision the director chose to go with, then it works for me too. If anything, it wrapped up the movie up to it's literal final conclusion.
All in all, with a few misgivings here and there, I believe we are on the same page with how we both feel about this movie. Bless and thanks again for stopping by... :)
Yeah, their romance seemed to develop way too quickly, but hey, at the end of the day, that was more just a plot device to get Baby from a to b. And you're right about the multitude of endings, I just thought of another one after I wrote that. 😅 Thanks for the review! I like to hear different opinions on this film. 👍