The Latent Power of Flash Fiction

in #story7 years ago (edited)


Expression through the practice of short, tight scribblings can be invaluable in keeping the mind trained and alert. Writing a book of any length or a piece of narrative fiction for that matter, pertains to an author’s individual construct. Whatever it may be. Therefore, I so love dabbling in these more concise “scenario’s” if you will. Almost feeling as though it’s a necessary exercise. From my point of view anyways.

Try it if you get the chance and pen a scene out from scratch. Your mind will automatically start filling in the gaps. Answering possible questions relating to your hypothesized literary creation. Imagination is a great and powerful tool indeed. I previously used to regard such efforts as punitive and not worthy of much attention. However, the “Steemit” blockchain can serve as the ultimate reference point in regards to igniting epic creative wildfires all stemming from a single spark.

Flash fiction does have its place in any writer’s works and deservedly so. I intend to use this platform for the exact same purposes as mentioned above.

After all, I view “Steemit” as an author’s utopia. Let the story pull you in and your mind be set free.


Kevin reacted in much the same way as his friends did. Utter, prolonged shock. The four of them watched as Emilia floated down the river, gradually being sucked into the neighbouring rapid on the far side. A heap of drenched clothes clinging on to the lifeless body of their once vibrant companion. A transformative look of horror spread across Lee’s face as he stood near the bank, watching her disappear from sight.

”This is not happening. I mean, guys. This wasn’t our fault.” He cried out. Kevin glanced back at him, bearing a similar look of bemused anguish. “I know! But who in the hell is going to believe us? The damn current must have pulled her under. I told you to watch her!”

The rest of the group backed up in retreat as nobody wanted any part of the ensuing blame game. Kevin and Lee had the privilege of sharing that dubious honour all to themselves. Lee pointed a finger at him, gritting his teeth. ”Don’t you dare pin this shit on me. We all swam in the exact same area. How could I have ever seen this coming? Fuck you for that, Kevin.”

The other three silent members saw Kevin balling his fists up, ready to unleash a full-on barrage upon Lee. An insult hurled against their designated "leader of the pack" was never going to end well. Mathas piped up before it got any more heated. ”Guys! Don’t you think we should be following her down the river or something? I mean, what if we can still save her?”

”You dumb asshole! You wanna join her dead corpse down in the river too? She’s gone, man. You seeing the speed of it? We won’t stand a chance. And anyhow, she’s long gone.”

Before those final salty words left Kevin’s lips, Mathas raised a hand to his forehead. Though the expression on his face was now more surprise than anything else. ”What the hell? Look! Right there!” The boys all spun around in unison to see what it was. To their amazement, it was Emilia’s sister on the other side of the river near the forest's edge. Waving to them over the gushing sound of the river below. She pointed downstream as they all sprinted up the nearby hill to gain a better vantage point of the action. Nothing could have prepared them for what was to come.


Hope you enjoyed this story, please look out for more on the way... (author: @ezzy)


O man! I'm so happy you started doing this. Truth be told I never heard about flash writing until you pointed it out to me. But it makes perfect sense! Of course, writers need to practice too! I'm sure many on steemit would like to see more of this. What a tool for learning for starting writers. I love how you build up this scene so fast and created tension in such a short amount of time. Keep it up, man!

Thank you for the beautiful comment, man! I'm a firm believer in this type of "mind art" and feel it bring inspire, emote and lay the foundations for some great creativity. Awesome, my bro.

Thank you so much for your kind words. :)

Nice, are you going to give us more perspectives like you did with the Setup? Lots of people to choose, What did Emilia’s sister see happen? This was a fun read, something you can use to fill in the down time from writing "Hellbent", but don't forget that one.

Hey, buddy. This was just a small short of it's own. A little flexing of the creative muscles. The next post will defo be the continuation of "Hellbent".

Bless for leaving some great comments for my posts, buddy. :)

Flash fiction is so much fun! I need to start doing it again, it's really good for writer's block which I've experienced a bit of lately.

Love this scene, you always have a way of leaving the reader wanting more my friend!

Oh, that would be awesome! The perfect cure for writer's block! You have a wonderful way of putting things which is in turn why you're as talented as you are. Thank you for the support, @dreemit. :)

Really good. And I know what you mean... We need these breaks from novel-writing to reset the brain!

Yes, @geke. It's good to inject some fresh perspectives in terms of creativity and narrative from time to time. :)

i like it, great story...!!

Good post.thanks for share with us.i resteem it.

Thanks for the support, buddy. :)

Daily Learn some new from your post. Love to read it..upvoted

Thank you, @robert31. :)

1st one is the best one!!
its too good!!

Thanks. :)

This deserves some attention. Upvoted and resteemed...

Bless, @opc. Thank you. :)

Great work so this is nice to see )

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Thank You

Flash writing that sounds cool, I was not aware of this term before reading your post now I will increase my knowledge about it and also start writing flash stories if time permits me.

Flash fiction is a great way to train your mind into creative processing. Coming up with a scenario, whatever it may be and making it an intriguing, tense read. It was harder than I initially thought it might be but great fun all the same.

Best of luck, buddy. Give it a try. :)

Ok dear.

As someone who just started writing, I must say this is awesome. I just stumbled upon your blog and I've bookmarked already.
You write really well. 👍

Yeah, I hated Flash Fiction too... but once you make it your own. Ignore the rules you don't like and get on with it, it can be great fun.

I don't think this piece you've written needs anything else. You've captured everything you need. It has a beginning, a middle and an end. The fact that it also has a few 'What if' moments in there is an added bonus!