Hi steemian! In fact God has created tribal people and nation, God's purpose of creating human beings with a variety of diversity is not to corner each other. But to get to know each other and be friendly. the best of us is the most benevolent, Imagine if the whole earth is uniform or the same, it is very boring. Respecting diversity means self-respect.
Do not you remember that the rainbow is beautiful because there are seven colors that synergize in harmony. Just imagine if only one color, then not the rainbow again his name. Is not it?
At one time I applied to a school. After a series of tests, the principal spoke to me. He said that, actually really like the way I teach. Nothing wrong, the test results were perfect.
It's just that he blamed the material that I conveyed. Then ask to convey material like book in study. this makes me mindful, because I believe every teacher has a different way of conveying the material, and they have a good purpose, the way may be different, but the core goal remains the same.
That's amazing. should be more receptive to differences. remember each person must have their own skills, then create a skill that makes your students the spirit to learn.
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