Popcorn And Other Such Pleasantries

in #story3 years ago

I love popcorn! And I see you do as well! Or at least enough to catch your attention and check out my post.

Come one come all and welcome to the Foxy show of the day! Grab a cup of your favorite summer themed drink and a snack much like the salty and buttery flavored poppy de corn. Get those butts in a comforting positing and be amazed at the show that I now present to you......

.... A piece of my imagination...

A clown.

The most simplistic creatures of carnivalistic life and the most misunderstood. A clown and a frown, who's soul purpose is to bring it upside down for the many of tiny humans that overpopulate the disgusting trash growing swamp we call home.

One small step with a gigantic shoe brings a tear drop shaped makeup to the face of many a day and night's pain. A dreadful moment to think about as the clown rises to start the day; makeup smeared across the flat brick like pillow without a case. Another day, another hair loss.

Green aromas can be seen through the pits of an unwashed character, putrid odors fill the room and exquisitely matches the filthy multicolored wig, or what used to be multicolored.

Saddened and depressed, the thoughts of suicide creeped as the yelling words invaded the brain from last nights rendez vous with the big man. Bowtie or ripped and rather large dangling tie? Who cares anymore. Just do the deed.

Flower prank - Check
Balloons - Check
Puppets - Check
Juggling balls - Check
Knife - Check
Never ending handkerchief - Check

Time to step out into the blinding scorching light and sweat like swamp monsters.

Plenty of mothers with their plump arses and saggy, um, wet balloons, obnoxious fathers with gorging bellies and balding domes. Oh, how the clown had wishful thinking when the mind thought of disappearance. Too many angry mothers yelling and rude fathers pointing and laughing. Not enough children crying.

As the day gets hotter and the clown becomes even more droopier, the more the clown wants to call it quits. A drink to end sobriety is bliss at this point. Hours of excruciating torment, these shoes, the makeup, itchy wig is a little too late.

The clown breaks out the puppets. Last show of the day. Most of the families have left the carnival, only a few left to entertain. A short chubby slob of a child, spoiled to the bones clearly. Curly blond hair, could be the clowns prodigy. Another child, a girl, carrot colored hair, skinny, oh so cute, its eye rolling and keeps the vomit to the throat. A crying toddler, snot at the nose, hopefully it lost its mother.

"Puppets? Really? I'd rather see you do a disappearing act HA HA...Up your butt!"

All the swamp rats and the surrounding crowd burst into laughter. The clowns sweat turned cold, air became sharp in the lungs, pain swept away. All is forgotten.

"Why yes, yes I can do that, little one, little creep, little brat"

The eyes of the curly haired runt grew big, and bigger as the clowns laugh got louder and changed to cackles and high pitched craziness.

"Meet my furry puppy, Chizzle. Would you like to pet him?"

"Um, I don't think I should. I-I'm ok."

"I do! Why's is his name Thizzle?"

"Brave little jerk aren't you? I'll tell you a secret. CHIZZLE got his name from a game he loooooves to play. Can you guess?"

"I dunno"

"Come closer little snot rat. His game is CHIZZLE YOUR THROAT! HAHAHAHAHAHA!"

No more pain, no more sweat, no more little children laughing and crying.

"Paint the road red, paint the road red, smell the metal, paint the road red"


I hope you were entertained by this short story. By the way, who is excited for October??? Not I, no not at all.


I have the best clown paintings for October. I found them at a Goodwill, brought them home, and fixed them. One of them now has moving eyes, and the other has eyes that glow red.

OMG This I would love to see!