Hey guys, hows the weekend going, just wanted to drop this here, its a very short two part story, hope you like it.
I'm not beautiful, so why should I try looking good" Jenny said to herself as she put on her ragged excuse for clothes. She was the daughter of a lowly carpenter and a maid, so looking good wasn't exactly a very attainable dream. She worked with her mom in the evening after school just so she could save enough money to pay her school fees, lest she learned a hand work like her father always insisted that she did.
One day on her way back from school, she came across a ragged looking doll on the street, "Probably got dumped here by a kid who just got a new one" she said to herself. She looked left, right then left again before finally picking up the doll and stuffed it into her tattered school bag.
She got home and brought the doll out of her bag, examined it thoroughly for any damages then proceeded to cleaning it up. When she was done, she cut out a piece of clothe from her bed sheet, fashioned it into a simple doll sized dress and put it one the doll. She noticed that the dolls eyes were firmly planted on hers, and it was at that moment that the unthinkable happened...the doll spoke to her.
That's it for today guys, so if you liked it then please
This is coming to you from @stach's very own @francistagbo
Spooky! 😨
I smell horror......
"My name is chukky, you wanna play?"
Knock knock
Creepy 😐