On the off chance that you are sitting in front of the TV, and the flag removes to static, kill the TV promptly. On the off chance that you watch the static on TV for a considerable length of time, the static will all of a sudden delay. All stable in the room will stop; even the background noise the TV itself will vanish. On the off chance that this happens you should not turn away from the screen. You will presumably not see at the time, before you lose your look on the TV, your body will solidify also. Time around and with you have delayed totally. Bits of the highly contrasting spots gradually become animated, sneaking gradually in apparently arbitrary ways. Not static as you most likely are aware it, but rather arranging themselves into a moving picture again before you. As the static comes back to typical, and the background noise the TV returns, you will recover control of your body. You should never watch that TV again. It will just play static, notwithstanding when unplugged. On the off chance that you watch the static any more, these same occasions will reoccur, however with shocking outcomes. What precisely happens is obscure, as clearly anybody that has been sufficiently sad to encounter this has vanished. It is reputed that on the off chance that one keeps on viewing the static once more, or amid their experience, turns away, the white and dark specs will gradually begin to move once more, yet you won't. Your eyes will then be for all time focused on the screen as you watch the photo return to life, and what is by all accounts your station's flag return. You learn soon this isn't the situation, as all stable is as yet missing, and the photo on the TV demonstrates a recognizable encompassing: the room in which you sit. The main thing you see next is development on the TV, as you see yourself from behind, and in this manner, the reason for your vanishing.