Sadly, we've all been in that position @margaretwise. At such times I justify it by thinking that maybe they would be embarrassed that someone had noticed them crying and I am sure that is the truth sometimes.
Other times they may just wish to be noticed. There is no way to tell unless we ask and we most often don't. 😢
It is really hard to say it what is good in this particular situation. I just noticed that in our life and I hope we do not become robots without hearts.
I can't imagine you ever becoming a robot without a heart @margaretwise. It simply isn't in you.
And maybe that's the clue as to how to handle such situations. If we feel drawn to speak we do so before out heads kick in and tell us all the reasons not to. And if we don't feel drawn to speak we do not. Neither right nor wrong. Just an action in the moment without too much thinking. 😍
Wishng you a heartfelt day! 💙
Kisses my dear you made my day :)
Back at you @margaretwise. 😍