Become a center of attention. This lion named Sesel loved children from the age of old, and tourists visiting Zimbabwe also did a leisure tour of the park just because of Sesel. On July 21, 2015, the sudden death of Sesel was reported and again Investigating on investigating Walcar Palmer, a dentist from the United States, who hated the victim, killed the Syril hunters with the help of the local hunter guide for a few thousand dollars. Remember that those who suffer from arrows in the world of hunting are considered as the biggest hunter, because you have to get closer to the lion to hunt from the arrows. And the hunting people of the victim are unhappy with this passion. The news of Sesel's death spread like a fire on social media and debates on international newspapers, as well as the live TV channels published
on lead devices.
The government set up a case against those who assisted him in this work, and the Zimbabwe government also demanded the US to hand over polar to Zimbabwe to punish him for the death penalty for the death penalty. Everybody inside the US was demanding that Palmer should be punished. From America to Europe, debate on this incident in Europe continued to be a number of days. Such a serious reaction to this incident proved that nations do not only develop on economic or defense boom, but it is imperative to develop and understand the meaning of consciousness and understanding of life. And it is the same appreciation for human being to be called. It is probably the value of life and the pain of humanity that such a serious reaction to the death of a lion and the interaction between two governments of the two countries. The idea is that how cheap and unexpected life is ours. In the meantime, the children die hungry, they are terrorized in schools, where there is heavy blood on the path of innocent people, like Mustafa Kanju. But we do not miss the tissue. By slogans of the creatures and the worst nation, we probably are very behind and distant from the decent world. Untouched by the value and importance of life is just like an unbelievable crowded life. The heart is in danger that God's fastest nation is we, and these decent society are actually hollow. Have you ever thought that the life of life where the society is cheaper than the bread will be able to get the society. Sometimes religion has never been indefinite and sometimes just cut off like a carrot mole on the basis of differences, where there are thoughts of other living creatures. Let's always lecture about ways to get rid of what kind of mouth we compete with these communities. Which weapon and atom bomb we wander around the globe? Zimbabwe is a poor country in Africa, where there is a lot of extremism besides political crisis, but consider the highest values and thinking of the community how to get rid of Sesel. The Zimbabwean government was not a nuclear power but diplomatic level was demanding to give American citizens to America.
By our government, by closing the mouth of civil society and religious parties, it was comfortably sent to his homeland. All of us have just sat down in the houses and forgetting the Americans normally after forgetting the United States. In Karachi, every day is a victim of human beings, but we turn away from our eyes. Women who are killed in Balochistan or murdered in honor of women or those killed in terrorist. The bodies of all are shouting and announcing what our fault was. The minimum number of voices given to us as much as possible is to be raised. According to statistics figures, the number of deadly bombings in the year 2014 was 824. The recent report of Human Rights Commission of Pakistan reads that women and children are being killed after rap and somewhere is being thrown out and buried in Kot Radhha cushion as the minority couple of minority women were burned. We do not get it. Even after the students of Army School in Peshawar and the students of the University of Charsadda in Charsadda were killed, our eyes were not opened. The tradition of taking a few flavors by burning a candle must certainly be cured. Do not you think we need to build the framework of ethics and morality. In the country where 8 months of lion infants and children who go to school go unintentionally, this country needs a lot of human rights law. Whereas the heat and death of the government, people living in society Those people with no need to provide shelves and graves, this country and society need a new social and political contract. Even children are also part of the fight for the completion of their own agenda, and the nation is divided on this stage. There is a strict need for the law of law and order of human life. This is why the society is indeed being killed in the name of honor. Self-esteem is needed. The need for the rights of Palestinians and Burma to bring relief to innocent civilians is from every day in Karachi, due to the difficulty of Balochistan's press release. Life is God's greatest blessing, and those who do not value this blessing, they are cut off or are destroyed. It is very important for a person to say that you feel the pain of others as well as do your pain. Just like sheep goats, live just for your own zodiac and from above all the world is based on the color of religion Understanding less, we are pushing into an endless impetus that will not end up talking to these issues on the social media to burn up status or sit in the AC cooling seminar. For the sake of a new social contract, there is an urgent need to give at least the importance and justice of every mental spirit. Do not you think that the society we hate and those who call hypocrites are actually found on the height of humanity, and the word of Hazrat Omar said, "If a dog thirsty on the edge of the Ephraim, then I I am a source of death "but we act accordingly. We just slaughter the slogans and do what we do practically apart from the infidels of infidels. The prospect of the reaction that took place after the death of Sesel After knowing that the order has poured an endless burden on my shoulders and it seems that in this country, in a murderous manner, I am silent in every killing of innocent people in this country. You will also ask yourself if the animal is far off, will we not give importance to human life and life too? Can not we share ourselves in creating a society where life is the value of life Where the human beings do not live. Pick up but humanity friendship for peace and patience. We can learn good news and lessons from anywhere and anywhere. Let us try to understand the importance and value of every living creature on the earth with this incident of Sesel.
It can be very painful whenever i read news about poachers killing off the endangered animal species in the wild.
Just recently in Nigeria, a Chinese was raided and arrested with about 200 Elephant Ivory. I think we need stricter laws against those that kill these endangered species
Nice post. I don' t think am in love with wildlife but at the same time I want them to be in existence.