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RE: Why We Left Our Church

in #story8 years ago (edited)

My Dad says that you don't need a broker to have a relationship with God. So he refers to churches as brokerage houses. My Dad says that HE wants a one-on-one relationship with us, which is what the 'Gospel' is all about, restoring relationship between us and the Father. In general, Churches are just pyramid schemes that have to constantly generate new members to generate more money. You don't need a 'church' to be HIS friend


Thank you! I wholeheartedly agree. As long as I read a chapter from the Bible and pray each morning, I feel like I am building a better connection to God than just attending a Sunday service.

Reading and praying are great, they really are. However, living it is they key and that's what I am trying to learn every day. I fail most, but from time to time, I see a glimpse of what this life should be.

Exactly. Living it is the most difficult part of our faith. It's easy to start each day with good intentions like I won't swear today, but we all slip on a daily basis.

Just a note on 'swearing.' - I really don't think HE cares about that, just my opinion. I think the only thing is not to offend others. If there is someone out there that thinks that's just horrible and you'll offend them, then just don't use it around them. If you with people who use it a lot and don't see the big deal, then use your freedom. Love people where they are and not where 'church' culture thinks they should be.