Daily Dream/Meditation #8

in #story7 years ago (edited)

I wanted to start a simple daily Dream and Meditation blog to get me back on track and I thought what better way than Steemit to keep me motivated! I get paid and am more likely to do my exercises as "hopefully" people will want to keep track of my progress and I also want to keep track of YOURS! If you have or are starting your own dream or meditation blog please paste your steemit webpage link below "after you post" in my comment section below and I WILL check out your blog and we can all motivate EACH other to stay on track with our practices. Just try to keep it related to Dream/Meditation/Spiritual practices. You don't have to have an elaborate/fantastic story to share. If you do, that's great, but the goal here is to keep the momentum going with our practices. One thing I have done that helps is make a folder in your favorites on your browser and save the webpage of one article of someone you like on steem and use that to click on their username to check their articles. Easy way to do it since there is no friend list. I will probably attach this paragraph to each post, so if you are viewing these daily you can just skip this section each time. Remember- The more often you practice your Dream/Meditation routine, the better "like any else" you will become.


Time- Early Morning
Meditation- 15 minutes
Focus- 1/10 (A little restless this morning)
Focus object- Breath
Body- Relaxed 10%
Position- Half lotus
Insight- none.

Setting- Checkout out the woods/backyard of a relative's new house

My relative was showing me their new house and we walked out side and it was a vast stretch of green when some forests/swampland at the edge. There were telling me how vast and large the land was and I could definitely tell by looking the scale was very large. There was a small army of people taking care of the land. There was also sidewalks running through the entirety of it, from what I could see. I thought this was strange, especially noticing the sidewalks seemed brand new, running through such an old forest. I was following my relative, but got lost and turned around from all the different ways you could go, but it seemed like I wanted to get lost. They then found me and I continued on with the tour.

Setting- Prep for roleplaying game

Some friends were sitting around in the distance preparing for some roleplaying game that was about to start. I knew I was late and was trying to sneak in without them noticing, but the heard me and said that I must lower my sneak modifier since I was one loud m'fer. I was then going through my stats noticing there were pretty terrible when I looked over at a couple of other people's and noticed they would have no issues. Then one of my friends started helping me balance out the stats on my sheet.

Translation- Dream 1-Seeing the land "urbanized"in the dream bothered me. Probably need to get in touch with nature at some point, too much time in the city!

Dream 2- I do play roleplaying games sometimes and don't always understand the character setups, mind just manifesting this.


I find a great app to help with meditation is head space or insight :) both I do regularly.. I try to do 2 x 10 mins of meditation everyday to help keep my mind clear I also find it helps with fitness..

I hope you keep going strong in your meditation practice we are all striving for the same thing :)

Good to hear mrfitness! Keeping consistent really helps. It's a slow process, but great rewards if you stick with it.

Definitely! I believe meditation alone can change a person's life. It has changed mine for certain! Look forward to seeing your journey with it

thats one beautiful picture.

keep on going so we can celebrate the 2/10 soon ;-)

Lol, the elusive 2/10, it's been creeping in occasionally!

I guess you do this without music in the background?
Rock helps you let the bad energy out, and then you can fill yourself with positive emotions via dance/ trance or whatever music you like...

Usually a silent meditation in the morning. I do like "trance" music without beats, think "Steve Roach" sometimes. Nothing ever wrong with listening to a little metal when your feeling it :)

A very good post @ grognak
Please vote me @grognak

Sure Punkxer!

thanks @ brognak
bolehkah saya mengikuti kegiatan kamu di steemit

somethink good...

Thank you vote. Very useful to me. grognak

Interesting read indeed...

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