A Nuclear War Survival Story - Chapter 11 - Ray Finally Takes Annie In Hand!

in #story7 years ago

nuclear war.jfif
Chapter 11.

Ray sat on the sofa closest to the roaring log fire. His legs stretched out in front of him, resting on the coffee table. He enjoyed this time of the evening. The work was done and the firelight threw a golden glow across the room.

Patrick sat on the other sofa, reading a book. His glasses balanced on the end of his nose and Ray would lay good money on him falling asleep any minute now. Maryanne sat cuddled up next to him, her slow, rhythmic breathing was gentle as she gazed into the fireplace, at the flames.

Branwen and Owen had already gone upstairs for an early night and Gerry was down in the bunker attempting to get the internet to work.

The scene in the lounge was one of tranquility and peace. Ray was contented that they had done well in the last month. The small group had not only survived but had formed a small community similar to a family group. It was a comfortable silence that lay across the room and Ray laid his head back on the cushion behind him and closed his eyes.

Annie and Gwen came in from the kitchen after finishing the dishes. Gwen flopped down next to Maryanne, and Annie sat next to Ray. She flicked the tea towel at him as she sat down.

“Get your feet off the furniture.” She snapped. Ray’s eyes clicked open, feeling the atmosphere in the room change.

“Damn it, Women!” he looked at her pretty face swathed in the golden glow of the fire. “Just sit down and be still.”

“Well, you’re a lout!” She spat back at him and leaned forward to pull his legs off the coffee table. In one swift movement, he grabbed her wrist to stop her.

It was a firm grip and Annie felt a strange tingling in her stomach.

“No.” said Ray as he lay his head back onto the pillow and closed his eyes again. Annie knew that when he said ‘no’ in that way that he wouldn’t budge. She flicked him again with the tea towel in fun.

He didn’t flinch but he said “You’re begging for it tonight, Annie.” In a mock threatening voice.

She giggled and Patrick peered over his glasses happily as he watched the flirting scene. Annie’s eyes glowed and she couldn’t resist just one more flick with the tea towel. Ray had already anticipated her next move and with flashing reflexes, he grabbed the tea-towel before it hit his leg. Annie let go as he roared,

“Right!” Annie jumped up from the sofa but he was too quick for her and he grabbed her round her waist and pulled her back onto his lap. Finding her waist line, he tickled her, making her squeal with delight.

When he had finished, she fell backwards onto him and pulled her knees up so that she was cocooned in his arms. Instinctively, she looked up into his eyes and his head was tilted down towards her face.

For a moment, they gazed at one another as though there was no-one else in the room and Maryanne was mentally willing him to kiss her daughter. Annie suddenly became aware of the eyes that were on them and she jumped up and headed towards the kitchen.

“Does anyone want a drink?” She asked, disappearing through the kitchen door.

Maryanne looked over at Ray and urged him to follow Annie but Ray turned his face away and considered the flames of the fire. Everyone else sank back into their seats and resumed what they were doing. The air of disappointment was strong.

In the kitchen, Annie rested her hands on the work surface. She had hoped that Ray would have followed her into the kitchen but he didn’t and she clenched her fists into tight balls.

The following morning, Annie rose early as she always did. It was 5am and she gently closed the kitchen door as she ventured outside. She was carrying a cardboard box full of food. Walking on the grass so that she didn’t make a noise on the drive, Annie headed for the gate. Quietly unlocking the gate, she placed the box of food outside and shadowy figures moved forward to collect it.

Unknown to anyone else and against Ray’s instructions, Annie had been taking food to the gate every morning. She felt so sorry for the people who had managed to find their way to the village for safeness. Some of them were clearly suffering from radiation sickness and others had been burned or injured by flying glass.

She also saw the people who had visited them but had been turned away by her Dad and Ray. The Londoner and his family had found a caravan to stay in at the holiday park in the village. She chatted happily with them when she saw them at the gate. They were really interested on what was happening at the farm. Annie thought that it must be hard for them having no entertainment so she told them all about life on the farm.

Patrick, Ray and Owen had developed a system of lighting the polytunnels using power from the hydro-electric system. They had installed overhead lights and heat lamps and were now growing leafy salad leaves and some small root crops. It was a work in progress but the weather was still very cold due to the continued thick cloud and debris cover that blocked out most of the sunlight.

Annie had told the visitors all about these developments because she thought that it would give them hope for the future.

As Annie was walking back down the drive, she saw Owen leaning on the wall of the pig sheds. From his vantage point, he could see all the way up the drive to the gate.

“How long has this been going on?” He asked as he ran the tip of his tongue along the tobacco paper. He was rolling a thin cigarette. Their tobacco stocks weren’t going to last much longer and he savored every cigarette he had

“Please don’t tell Dad and Ray, Owen.” She pleaded. “The poor people come to the gate to get a bit of food, that’s all. It’s hardly enough to keep them alive and we have got enough food for ourselves”

Owen shook his head. He wasn’t about to get involved between Ray and Annie. Everyone was watching to see if they finally got together as a couple. He fed the pigs and was just coming out of the shed when something very heavy hit him on the back of the head and he was already unconscious before he hit the ground.

Three shadowy figures moved across the yard. The first one tried the kitchen door and found it to be unlocked. Annie was in the kitchen making a drink when she heard the click of the door opening and saw the man in ragged clothes. She screamed and ran for the lounge door but was grabbed by the man and two other men ran into the house.

Ray’s eye’s snapped open and he was immediately awake. With lightning speed he put his jeans on and picked his gun up from the night stand. He descended the stairs as silently as a stalking cat. As he reached the door to the kitchen, he flattened himself against the wall and took a quick glance into the kitchen.

At that point, Patrick also descended into the lounge and indicated with silent gestures that he was going to leave via the patio doors and go around to the yard. Ray simply nodded.

Two of the men where ransacking the kitchen whilst the other one held Annie by the throat.

“You bitch!” said one of the men to Annie “We knew you had more food than you were letting on! You thought we would be satisfied with the little box of food you graciously gave us every morning!” The man came right up to her face “Did it make you feel good to feed the peasants whilst you feasted on plenty?”

Annie could smell the man’s rancid breath on her face and it made her cringe. She stayed silent because she knew that you can’t negotiate with a starving man.

Ray heard the conversation and raised his eyes as he took an deep angry breath in. So that was what she’d been doing. Why the hell hadn’t she listened to him? He’d deal with her later when he and Patrick had got this situation sorted.

There was the sound of a whistle outside and Ray knew this was his cue to move. He sprang through the kitchen door as Patrick launched himself through the back door. Shots were fired. Ray shot the first man in the foot and Patrick shot the second one in the lower leg. They both then turned on the man holding Annie.

“Let her go!” Patrick commanded and the man raised his hands and backed away. “Annie! Move!” Patrick inclined his head in the direction of the lounge and she immediately left the kitchen. She knew her dad wasn’t pleased with her because his face was like thunder. Maryanne and Branwen were waiting for her and her mother immediately wrapped her arms around her daughter. They sat on the sofa cuddling. Annie was a little bit shaken but overall, she was coping well.

Patrick shouted from the kitchen. “Maryanne, get the medical kit!”

In the kitchen, Ray was holding the third man at gunpoint whilst Patrick was tending the wounds of the other two.

“Where the fuck is Gerry?” growled Patrick.

“Probably hiding in his bedroom.” Replied Ray.

Gerry was, indeed hiding in his bedroom. He had heard the commotion and decided to stay where he was. He was looking out of the window at Owen who was just coming round from the blow that he took to his head. He pulled himself up and on wobbly legs, he stumbled over to the kitchen.

Branwen ran through to help him and guided him through to the lounge. He flopped down onto the sofa and Branwen inspected his head.

“Branwen, I don’t know how much more I can take of this life.” His voice portrayed a broken man and Branwen wrapped her arms around him. She knew exactly how he felt. This new life was so unfamiliar and hard.

“Let’s go home and take our chances there” She whispered and he nodded.

Back in the kitchen Patrick had removed the bullets and dressed the wounds of the two injured men.

“Okay.” He said to the men, “We’re going to drive you back to where you’re staying. We’ll provide you with clean dressings, antibiotics and pain killers but if you or anyone else pulls a stunt like this again, someone is going to die. Do you understand?” All three men nodded, silently.

“We’ll also give you some food” said Ray. “The best thing you can do is start planning for how you are going to source food in the future. It sure as hell won’t be from us.” Again, the men nodded.

They loaded the men into the back of the pick-up truck and drove out of the gates.

In the kitchen, Branwen explained the decision that she and Owen had made and they hugged Annie, Gwen and Maryanne tightly before collecting their things and leaving.

Gerry finally arrive fully dressed in the kitchen. “Any coffee?” He said, as though nothing had happened. “I slept like a log. Where’s Ray?” The look of innocence on his face fooled no-one and the three women ignored him. He shrugged his shoulders and put a pan of water on the woodstove to make his own drink.

Half an hour later, the pick-up truck arrived back and the two men sat talking for a few moments.

Ray turned to Patrick and said “So which one of us is going to tackle Annie?”

“Well, if the two of you are ever going to get together, you’ve got to get the dynamics of your relationship sorted out. So, I suggest you do it.” Patrick gave him a knowing look.

They walked into the kitchen and found the women there chatting about the events of the morning.

“That was a close call, wasn’t it?” Annie said to Ray. She smiled at him. “You were brilliant! Thank you so much!”

His eyes stopped her talking with a single look and she immediately closed her mouth and took a step back from him. She could feel the tension in the air. She knew he wasn’t in a temper. No, it went much deeper than that and she couldn’t read him at all. This made her nervous.

He walked forward and took her by the hand.

Firmly but gently he said, “We’re going to get this sorted once and for all.” And he lead her from the kitchen towards the stairs and she began to pull back but he’s far too strong for her.

“Ray! What are you going to do?” She was a little bit nervous but strangely not frightened. She was climbing the stairs behind him. “Ray? Please tell me what we’re doing?”

He stayed silent until they reached her bedroom door. He pushed her through the door ahead of him, walked in behind her and closed the door. He approached her calmly and held her tightly in his arms. She responded to his strong arms. It felt so good that she thought she would melt.

“Annie, have you been handing out food at the gate?” he asked gently.

She pulled away from him, wide eyed and immediately denied everything. “How could you even ask me that when you told me not to?” She thought she was doing well at lying to him until she looked into his eyes and realized that it had been a big mistake.

He sighed heavily. “That was your last chance Annie.” He reached for her hand and pulled her across to the bed. He sat down and put her across his knee. He tucked his left arm around her waist to hold her tight. She squirmed and wiggled but she could not get free.

“Let me up this minute!” She screeched.

“Be still, Annie. I’m going to spank you and it’ll be over a whole lot quicker if you stay still.” He deftly reached under her top and pulled her leggings and panties down to reveal a wonderful peachy bottom.

“You monster! Stop it this instant!” She felt embarrassed that her bottom was completely exposed and she hadn’t got a hope in hell of getting away from him.

“Be quiet and be still.” He was waiting for her to stop moving. As though he expected her to conform to this and just take it.

Ray had no intention of smacking her hard but she’d got to feel a bit of a sting and the first swat delivered that.

“Ow!” shouted Annie

Another one, a little harder came down and then another on the other cheek. She couldn’t understand this! She was waiting for the next blow and it stung like hell but she felt a deep tingling sensation down in her… oh my goodness!

He then let her up and she crawled onto the bed and he lay beside her cuddling her tightly.

“I hate you.” She cried a little bit but he held her so strongly and tightly that she didn’t want him to let go. He laughed gently at her protestations. He knew she didn’t really hate him and she felt so very relaxed in his arms. He lifted his head so that he was looking directly down at her face. She gazed into eyes with vulnerability and love. He kissed her passionately and her world exploded. Every nerve in her body was firing full blast.

Annie felt him kicking his jeans off and she reached for him. Oh my God that’s hard she thought and certainly a lot bigger than she’d ever experienced. He positioned himself between her legs and she let out a gasp as he entered her. She threw her head back in absolute ecstasy and held tightly onto his back. The gates of heaven opened and both of them went through it together.
Down in the kitchen, Patrick had stayed silent as they heard Annie’s howls of protest and then howls of pain but Maryanne was becoming concerned because all had gone quiet now. They sat drinking their coffee around the table.

“It’s gone awfully quiet up there, I’d better go and see if she’s ok. I hope he hasn’t hurt her” Maryanne started to get up from her chair but Patrick reached out and grabbed her arm.

“He won’t have hurt her. He’ll have just gained some respect from her. Right now, let them sort it out between the two of them.” Patrick had a fair idea why things had gone quiet but he didn’t want to say it out loud. Annie was his daughter, after all.

Back in the bedroom Annie lay in Ray’s arms. They kept smiling at one another and he stroked her hair. She caressed his neck and he shuddered at her touch.

“Annie, I want to tell you something that’s very serious.” Ray said in a quiet voice.

“You can tell me anything, my Angel” She whispered.

Ray took a deep breath in. “I was married for three years and fifteen years ago, I was on an assignment doing undercover work. My cover was blown and I went to ground but they found my wife and killed her.”

Annie’s face showed the horror that she felt and her hand moved to her open mouth.

“Don’t worry, I dealt with that a long ago but when I saw you being held by that man, I was so scared, Annie. I was scared and I was really angry. You see, I heard what he said to you so I already knew that you had been taking food to the gate.”

Annie’s eyes were begging for forgiveness. She felt really bad about lying to him and she was cringing inside because she’d been caught out.

“Well please don’t hit me in anger again.” She said

“I would never hit you in anger. I was fully calm but you hadn’t listened to me and you still haven’t acknowledged that I was right about what I said?” He looked hard at her.

Oh this was just so embarrassing. He was making her admit that he was right when he said that the people would come back. Belligerently she said “Yes, yes. Okay, you were right.” Then they both fell about laughing.

Finally, Ray said “Well this is no good. We’ve got to get up. There’s work to do.”

As they left the bedroom Annie suddenly stopped and Ray turned to her questioningly.

“Do you think they heard anything downstairs? I can’t go down there if they know what’s happened.”

He stroked her cheek “Don’t worry, sweetheart. Our loving making was quiet.”

“Not that! I know that was quiet but …” she paused “Before, when you… I shouted a lot.” She was speaking in a hissing whisper.

“When I put you over my knee and spanked your bottom?” Ray was enjoying her squirming at the thought of it. He laughed at her face. “Well sweetheart, unless you behave yourself, it seems to me that you’re going to be spending an awful lot of time in your room” He chuckled as they walked down the stairs.
The kitchen erupted with applause as they walked in and Annie blushed deep red.

“Finally!” said Maryanne. Patrick hugged Annie and shook Ray’s hand.

A new world had begun. Gone were the days of left wing feminists forcing men to suppress their natural urges to protect the women that they love. The days of women constantly striving to be in control of everything had been wiped out by several bombs.

If the human race was going to survive, each of the sexes must work alongside one another and play to their natural strengths. The world prior to the apocalypse had become topsy-turvy and people were stressed, unhappy and in debt.

Patrick pondered this these thoughts as he drank his cup of tea.

The bombs had done terrible damage to the people, buildings and the whole way of life that everyone had come to accept. But he couldn’t help feeling that the long term future might hold a better world.

Unfortunately, he also knew that there were going to be many hurdles that they would all have to cross, if they were going to survive long enough to enjoy it.

After all, he and Ray hadn’t told the others what they had seen down in the village…


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Hi Maria, just wondering if there are any more chapters waiting in the wings...?

The suspense is getting too much for me 😎

lol yes, I've had a rush job on at work so I will resume uploading later on this evening xxx

Blimey, this is soooo intense (and a bit naughty ;). Can't wait for the next one, plus what's in the village.
Thanks again Maria :)

lol Well Ray is quite an Alpha Male type and now that there are no laws that can be enforced, I'm afraid that men and women will soon revert to more traditional behaviour. This will become apparent in future chapters and I'm expecting some hard nosed feminists to issue a Fatwa against me lol x

That's one of the few benefits of global catastrophe, a return to instinctual gender roles.

I agree with you x

Although I doubt many people will be looking forward to a global war, pandemic or socio-economic collapse, I sometimes feel that humanity has taken a step too far down a path of self-destruction and so unfortunately a 'reset' is required anyway.
Anyhoo, thanks again for continued posting of the story :)
Rob x

Hello @guided. Welcome to Steemit. I am David. I wish you have a happy journey here.

Thank you David. You can read the rest of this book on my blog x

Please follow Upvote or promote my account in this steemit, i really need it. Hopefully not ignored. Thanks , hope you easy sustenance\

Have you followed me? x

i follow u dear
plz follow me back and upvote me

Thank you. I have followed you. Please don't call me dear x

Two chapters in one day - excellent!

I wasn't expecting this turn of events ...

Maybe some guard dogs are needed I think?

Wait until you read the next Chapter (Uploaded tomorrow) I'm afraid that the option of a guard dog has been skuttled by the pollution, along with the sheep and many of the people. Things can only get worse x

Oh dear, I'm getting worried now. Looking forward to tomorrow's episode. Thank you for this story, I am really enjoying it.

I enjoyed writing it and I'm looking forward to writing new chapters x

I am excited to read your future posts. Good luck and welcome! Please consider checking out minnowsupportproject.com and @minnowsupport. It is a great community of individuals that will help you get started and can answer all of your questions.

Thank you sepracore. If you liked this chapter, you can also read all the other chapters on my blog page. xxx

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