Anarchy Novel "Will" Chapter 9 (part 2)

in #story9 years ago

 Hi Steemers!I am happy to present my new anarchy themed novel! I will post the entire book for free via steemit posts, a chapter or two at a time.

Title: Will

Genre: Science Fiction, Political Thriller, Comedy

Synopsis: Early 30th Century Earth is literally divided by a mysterious wall. On the dark side of the wall, millions suffer from mind control, despotic rulers, war, pain, and suffering. On the light side of the wall, it is the complete opposite. There is peace, freedom, and prosperity. One day a man from the dark side manages to get to the other side, a fateful event which will change the world forever.

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To begin reading from the beginning, refer to my earlier steemit posts or download the book for free on my blog @

 Deciding to change the angle of the conversation a bit, Jovius questioned, “Please tell us, Vintage, is there any war on your side of the world right now?” Mari cut a sharp look at Jovius and said, “Damn Jovius, why do you ask questions you already know the answer to?” Vintage replied that indeed there was a war currently raging between his region and that of the royals.  “And how is this war being paid for, exactly?” Jovius proceeded.  Vintage explained that everyone paid taxes to a special agency in order to finance war as well as many other government functions.  A look of bewilderment came across everyone’s face at once.  What was a tax, they wondered.  Ray took the initiative and asked Vintage to clue them in on what exactly a tax was.  “You don’t know what a tax is?” Vintage asked confoundedly with wide eyes.  “Well,” he continued, “It’s money paid to the government so they can serve and protect the people, basically.” Ray then asked if the tax was voluntary.  “Oh no, taxes are mandatory.  Everyone must pay their fair share,” Vintage confidently informed the group.  “And who decides when to go to war?” Ray continued.  “The president and representatives do, of course,” Vintage answered in a bit of a pompous tone.  Jovius bellowed a huge chuckle and, on the verge of tears, shouted, “So some people calling themselves government, take your money through coercion backed by the threat of violence, and then use that money to send you off to murder and possibly be killed? What absolute madness! And then they teach you that we, on this side of the world, live in chaos! The ludicrous hypocrisy is deafening!” Hurriedly defending the legitimacy of his way of life, Vintage argued, “Taxes are not taken by violent means.  That’s not true!” Mari raised an eyebrow at Jovius and asked him to please calm down.  She then turned to the flustered guest and asked, “What happens, my dear boy, if you don’t pay taxes?” After hesitating a bit, he answered, “Well, you go to prison.  In extreme cases, you might be terminated.” Mari couldn’t help but laugh and said, “Well, that sounds like violence to me!”

 With a pondering look on his face, Tesla raised a finger and said that he’d be curious to know what Vintage knew about the other regions of the world and their form of government.  “I don’t know much about the other regions, as travel there is heavily restricted and information is limited.  However, I do know that the Royal Region is ruled with an iron fist by King Sitan.  Also, the poor people of the Divine Nation are kept in servitude by the High Priest Hellius.” Tesla went further by asking the reason for the current war.  “We’ve been trying to liberate the good people of the Royal Region from the folly of King Sitan,” came the proud answer.  Tesla then asked if the Divine Nation was currently at peace.  Vintage said sadly, “They are not at war externally, but they have many internal troubles.” “Were they ever at war?” Tesla continued.  An emphatic answer came forth.  “Oh, yes! Not long ago my good people were invaded by the Divine Nation.  It was a horrific war which lasted for years, but democracy and freedom prevailed!” Intrigued in a grotesque sort of way, Mari intervened.  “And what was the purpose of that war? “They were attempting to subvert our democracy and freedom, and to force their religion upon us.” “So let’s see if I have this straight.  Your people fight and die in the name of democracy and so-called freedom.  The people of the Divine Nation die in the name of their God and religion.  I’m going to take a wild guess and say that the people of the Royal Region die for their King and country.  Is that right?” Vintage replied, “Yes, that is their sad battle cry.” Jovius took his turn and joined in.  “Yes, very sad.  The deepest blue I can imagine.  But why is it sad, my friend?” Vintage laughed a bit and replied with a question, “Isn’t it obvious?” Jovius thought this amusing and responded that he knew why it was sad, but wanted to see if Vintage actually knew.  With a deadpan face, Vintage cried, “Because they know nothing of freedom!” Everyone in the room burst into uncontrollable fits of laughter at the great hypocrisy which was just uttered in their presence.  Shouts of freedom, freedom, freedom were repeated invariably amidst the raucous cackling.  The adrenaline surged in Jovius and he took the opportunity to let a lesson fly.  “What do YOU know of freedom? You are not even your own master, you are forced to choose a master! You do not control what your own labor produces! You fight when you’re told to fight and kill who you’re told to kill! You’re forced to be schooled by your masters and call it education! You can be put in a cage at any moment for drinking coffee! YOU think YOU are FREE!!!  I know farm animals that have more freedom than you!” At this point everyone was on the verge of tears, except for the guest of honor, of course.  He was horrified not just at being laughed at so much.  What was really eating away at him was the blunt edge of truth making an incision deep into his psyche.  

 Suddenly, while Vintage’s mind was deep in despair over the words that had been beaten into his skull, an angel appeared on high.  At least, that was how she looked to Vintage.  “All that laughter, the great Jovius must have arrived,” came the sweet voice of a slender woman at the top of the staircase behind the crowd.  “And taking great pains to make our guest uncomfortable, if I hear correctly,” she continued as she gleamed a luscious smile and her brown eyes beamed.  “Merciless, with the truth, as always!” shouted Jovius.  The long haired woman with Pocahontas-like features came slowly down the stairs and radiated something towards Vintage as she gave him a playful smile.  “This is one of my granddaughters, Luz,” Mari introduced.  

 She approached the group.  “Hey clown,” she chided Jovius.  She introduced herself to Ray and Sophia, and finally, spoke to the stranger.  “So you’re from the other side of the world,” she said with a look of great interest on her face as she took a seat beside him.  “Yes,” he started shyly.  “But we’ve already talked about me and my side of the world so much, if you all don’t mind, could I ask a few questions?” “We never stop anyone from asking questions,” Mari assured him.  

 “You asked me earlier about the wall and its origins, which no one here has any relevant information.  However, I’m curious as to what the wall is made out of.  With your advanced technology, have you been able to decipher the material? We can’t even scratch it with our most powerful weapons, but perhaps you could shed some light on the subject.”

 “First of all,” Jovius began, “I don’t want that wall to come down, not until more people from your side of the world are ready for true freedom.” “I might add,” Ray interjected, “that we do have technology which can cut the material, but as far as I know, the material is still a mystery.” Sophia spoke up and said, “I agree with Jovius, though.  That wall isn’t ready to come down.” Confused, Vintage asked what was meant by ‘ready for true freedom’.  “Natural Law,” Mari stated matter-of-factly.  Jovius held up a hand to stop Mari.  “Please Mama Mari, we can’t get that deep tonight.  I don’t want his head to explode from too much information, ya know.” Everyone chuckled and nodded in agreement.  Luz looked Vintage in the eye and with a hand on his shoulder said, “Maybe we’ll give you lessons one day.”  “One day,” echoed Jovius, “But not tonight.  We’ve got a long day tomorrow so maybe we’d better get settled in, if that’s ok with you Mama Mari.” “You guys are headed up to Fire Lake for the trade festival?” asked Luz.  “We sure are, would you like to come?” offered Jovius.  “I’d love to, but I’ve got a lot of responsibilities around the house here,” Luz answered disappointedly.  Mari smiled and said, “Oh, we’ll run things while you’re gone.  Go ahead and have a good time.  I’m sure Jovius will put you to work up there, so you’re not getting off that easy.” Jovius then gleefully said, “Well, now we just need to check with the new guy here and see if it’s ok with him,” as he glanced at Vintage, who was staring at the young maiden.  Everyone turned to Vintage.  Blushing, he looked away from her quickly and awkwardly said, “Yeah, of course.  I mean, it’s your car Jovius, so whatever is fine for me.” Everyone tried to contain themselves so as not to make the poor man blush anymore.  Luz happily agreed to tag along with the crew.  

 If you like what you just read, you can find more of my writings for free on my blog.

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