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RE: Sowing Seeds Of The Devils Weed - Confessions Of A Second Generation Pot Farmer

in #story8 years ago

I really like your story, @luzcypher. It shows how growing and harvesting - gardening or farming - can be so important in our family traditions and history, no matter the crop.

It's still nuts that folks in Washington can't grow weed for recreational use, though. It's a lot more practical and friendly here in Oregon. My mother, 80+ years old, visited last month and had a "bucket list" request, lol. Her take-away was real amazement at all the resources that have been used, and all the suffering that's been caused, by trying to fight something that's not threatening.

And I am feel for everyone who got caught up on the law enforcement racket. What a waste.


I could tell you horror stories about people that got in trouble with the law concerning marijuana. Some of it is just unbelievable. YUou can grow in Oregon for your own use now, or do yu need a license? If so, how many plants?

So, so sad about the stories you know. What a sad, stupid waste. At least things are looking up. In Oregon: No license needed. Up to 4 plants per residence (not per resident). They just have to be out of the public view. So there's been a lot of fences going up all over the countryside, lol.

I can hear the Eagles playing in the background...

Desperado, why don't you come to your senses
You been out ridin' fences for so long now

Here's the link to a news report on Vice, about our State Fair this year. Put our fair on your calendar for next year, lol. Maybe you can be a judge -- at least for one of the county fairs, if they start including this crop now. The plants had to be small enough to transport, though. The ones I was working with earlier this week were in 6-footx6-foot beds and the stalks were big, nearly 5 inches across. Nobody was moving those. Maybe in the future the county and state fairs will be judging the harvest, not just the plants.

Haha. I thought of you and your upbringing the last couple days, as I was back in the boonies, helping a friend get the harvest in. It's such a specialty crop. It was a category for judging in our Oregon State Fair this year, too, just like local beers and wines.

Really, just like beers and wine? I'll have to come to Oregon to see that. Try samples and see the quality first-hand.