Are you comfortable being you? I mean, the real you! When you are vulnerable, you have power!
Coming from the heart, here's a little inspiration to start the week off!
I wrote this after I had just had the most wonderful day of being ME! See, I skated through most of my life pretending and hiding, trying to fit into places that I didn't really belong.
I have been reading the most amazing stuff lately! The more I learn, the more curious and excited I am to learn more!
Something very interesting to me is about how we BEHAVE and INTERACT with others.
If you knew me before or have read my glimpses into the past, that probably means you associate me with the girl who loves to party (her pain away) outgoing, wild, bartending gal who liked to skip out on classes early to work extra long shifts...
But what I have been finding over the last 4.5 years after I quit my job to travel the world is that I was hiding because I was just a lonely, scared little girl who just wanted to belong.
We all go through this and it's important that we can recognize it.
We hide behind masks and characters we create trying to fit into the classes and cliques that we idolize.
What happens when you break free from all of that conditioning you've forced yourself through for years?
That personality you developed to become who you wanted to be and get what you wanted in life. What lies under all of that?
I can tell you, it's a journey removing all of that layering.
Most people who meet me now cannot believe my stories of the past, of that girl who I created to take on my life, carry my struggles and fight my battles. She's honestly a ghost of a past I can hardly relate to anymore.
I could go on but my point is that I'm learning how deep our roots really are of what we think we need to be, how we think we need to dress, what we think we need to say, how we think we need to behave, what we think others think of us and what we think of ourselves!
Learning who I truly am (not all of the nonsense above) has shaped my life into an incredible blessing when it used to be a living nightmare just getting though the day!
See, I wasn't being true to myself and it forced me to be someone I didn't want to be, didn't know, didn't connect to and that caused me misery, shame and guilt.
We all have the capacity for growth and change within us.
We can all get back to our hearts and find our true selves but we're scared and we deny it.
I did the same thing. I said things like "I like it that way!" "I'm happy I act like that!" Etc.
I was not willing to take responsibility for myself or my actions at first but overtime I've been able to truly look inwards and find the real me who has been waiting to come out all of this time!
I'm sorry to disappoint you, my mother or anyone else who loved that role of the wild girl I used to play but the actress behind her, the real women behind that character, well, she's not a partier! She's not loud, she's not even very outgoing in the way a shot of tequila can convince you otherwise!
In truth she's actually quite shy!
She's emotional. She's sweet and kind. She's loving and gentle yet strong and independent. She cares more about the people she loves and what they think of her than the masses of crowds at a party cheering her on. She is friendly and heartfelt and that comes from a genuine space of love from a big heart inherited from her Gramma.
When we find who we really are, life just opens up.
It's not easy and there is tons of baggage but it's worth every tear, every ounce of anger and every smile that turns into laughter when we realize how ridiculous it all is!
Everything I have been reading lately calls me to look inside.
It may be scary and it may not be all pretty, glitter and sunshine but it's insatiably rewarding coming out of the battle!
Sending you a big hug to your inner "you!"
I hope you find the courage to look for you, too!
Have a wonderful week!💓
My heart's in charge here. I write about what I feel in the moment. What inspires me, what drives my passion. Here are some of my recent additions:
💁Want to Stay in the Loop? AUTOVOTING Can Make Your Life MUCH Easier!💁
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Rewarding content we love, rewards us back! Yay for curation rewards!
Have you heard about #veganwednesday?
Check out the contest update here!
🍴Hungry? Check out these yummy plant based recipes!🍴
🧀Smoked Cheddar Cheeze!
🎂Special Power Cake!
🧀Get Stuffed: Gravy/Cheesy/Stuffed Loaf!
🍫 5 Min, Easy, Healthy DIY Chocolates!
🧀Na'cho Everyday Cheese! Vegan Queso!
🥑You Won't Believe it's Not Magic! Double Chocolate Mousse (Avocado) Cake!
🌍I can show you the world!🌍
❤Come Wanderlust Through the Magic Island, Bali
🌞Insta Famous? No, not me! The Picture!
💰Come on an Adventure to an Old Mining Cave and Waterfall!
Until next time!
Sending you love through food, travel, inspiration and epic storytime!
What a wonderful heartfelt inspirational post @heart-to-heart! You have so much to offer the Steemit Community. Keep sharing, growing and smiling and Steeming! Thank you!!!!
Awww thank you @birdsinparadise, you are always so generous with your loving comments :) I hope that through my own personal learning and growth that I can always give back, however possible and Steemit sure is a great way to be able to do so ;) <3
My beautiful dear friend your Post is beautiful because of you. You are looking so beautiful and heart catcher.
Please share your more beautiful photographs.
Take Care my dear Beautiful Friend
Bless You
Awww thank you @aiman, I hope that my post's message was beautiful enough for you as well ;)
Yes of course my friend.🌿
Welcome for late answer.
Nice sharing ! I want to find the real me too
She is inside waiting for you, you just have to accept and love her and she will be there =D
For some... life seem so simple and straight forward, falling in love in high school and living happily for the rest of their life... I red a book once called ''why trying to make it simple when you are complicated'' It help me a lot to understand why I tried so much to fit in while I was so different. There's nothing like hitting the bottom and reborn from the hashes to find our true self. What define us is all that we went threw and the way we make peace with it. You seems at the right spot to go threw it all and get ready to spread your wings again.
Just remember one thing, YOU ROCK!!!
Big ❤️
I love that @nickyskywalker, I am going to have to look up that book ;) I feel that I have hit the ashes a few times so I am lucky to be reborn and given an opportunity to better again! We do have so much complication and deepness to us, no use in pretending otherwise is there? ;)
I think you rock too and thank you for being that way (and sharing your awesome self with me!) <3
Sound'z like we have similar dark side past experience you and I and found owe own way to keep the best out of it 😉. I could bring you that book but it's in french and I looked, no translation are available from this writer.... but similar book have been writen in english... I all resume of multiple psychological research... Check it out, might be worth it
When you rediscover yourself and learn to love yourself, it comes easier to love others. ;0)
Oh I absolutely agree with you! We cannot know true love until we truly love ourselves <3
What a beautiful way to celebrate You! And also to enjoy this delicious Pink moon in Scorpio, while under the Venusian spoils of the Taurus sun. Yum.
In-Joy! And thank you so much for visiting my post today about the Moon and my own healing. That was kind of you and I really appreciated it.
Hi Jakob, I am very late in replying but thank you so much for taking time to respond to me! I loved reading your post and am very intrigued to learn more about what goes on above us! I hope you're doing well, I hear the moon is out to play for the next two nights! :)
I was exactly the same! Just over a year ago you would just find me blowing all my pay at clubs, getting drunk, coming home at 5 am in the morning. I'd know all the regulars at clubs and thought that was cool! But now I haven't had a drink in weeks and if I do it's probably a glass of wine. I am so much happier and healthier and can actually see things with clarity! It's crazy how much and how quickly we can grow if we just took a step back and evaluated ourselves.
@thetinykitchen, wow, I completely relate to that! It's been some time since I was immersed in the bars and nightlife scene but back a couple of years ago, it was every night of my life especially since it was also my job being a bartender! I am such a different person when I am not drinking and really prefer to keep it to a glass of wine like you said, it ends up much better for me and keeps me focused on who I am and who I want to be! <3 I'm proud of you for taking the opportunity to be you! <3
I think were all scared little people who just want to belong. Everyone puts their mask on, some know how to 'play' it better. But you said it right, when you learn to bring down the layers that you cover yourself up with throughout the years, you become your beautiful self and feel free!!
I went to a few coaching seminars that really gave me many things to think about and change in my life and the feeling is amazing when you break free of all the judgements!!
Have a great positive week !!! Great motivational post @heart-to-heart! Im with you 🤗 !
Hi @cooknbake, I'm late replying but loved reading your comment here :) I completely agree with you! The masks just pile higher and higher, thicker and thicker as we accumulate more for different areas of our lives! It takes a lot of work to finally be free like you mentioned and just be ok being yourself! I wish everyone had this opportunity and that we weren't so stuck behind these masks!
Coaching seminars are great- good for you for getting out there and leaving your mask at the door! I work within this area a lot, watch so many videos online and am lucky to live in a place focused on self growth and healing ;) Thank you for sharing your journey with me, I hope you continue on the lovely path you're clearly on to be leaving such a heart felt message <3
Another lovely post! So glad you are being your true self because it's absolutely beautiful! ❤️❤️❤️
Hey @iamjamie thanks girl! It feels soooo much better than I ever could have imagined and I intend to keep it this way! Give me a slap if I don't keep it up ;)
Oh I most certainly will!
When we are younger there is so much pressure to fit in, to find a place within society, to be accepted. It takes time to discover who you really are and on top of that there is huge influences from the media and your peers, it can all be so overwhelming, we're told we need to be out there and present. It would be great if being shy and sensitive was embraced more, being a gentle warrior! here's to finding yourself and being happy in yourself, shining from the inside out.
Hi @trucklife-family, I am disappointed I am seeing this wonderfully heart felt message so late! Thank you for taking the time to share your heart with me :) It's so true! So much pressure leads to this massive sense of not belonging and/or unworthiness and I really hope that I can do my part to change that or inspire otherwise since I've had the opportunity to find myself. I think that there is room in this world for those who may not be as loud, I want them to have a voice too!<3
A heart at peace with itself is quiet and moves forward with grace and resolute power that is wonderful to behold. The restless heart is loud and bounces to and fro never leaving a downward spiral of chaos. Be at peace, you are getting very quiet.
<3 Wow @handofzara that is beautiful. You've left me quite speechless. <3
speechless? :) You are getting very quiet, and that is a good thing.
I think I am slowly getting there. It's humbling experiencing for sure.
I believe that no matter how far we go, there is always more of a way to go! A constant progression of growth :) <3
Beautiful and very encouraging post. That's why you are called @heart-to-heart, that's the connection you establish with all of us, that is why we are here. It's a connection from your inner you to ours. There couldn't be a better relationship. Thanks dear friend
Awww @mendys-soul that is so sweet of you! My user name was always meant to represent exactly that, heartfelt and loving connections and inspiration so thank you for noticing ;) <3
You are amazing Sweetie. and I love to read your words of wisdom. You made the right, yet tough choices and you overcame many obstacles, that were necessary to reconnect with your true self and now you are free as bird. You are a great example to us all XOXO
Thank you @lenasveganliving, you are always far too kind! <3 I think that we all have so much on our shoulders and I just want to help be the voice that says we don't have to carry it all alone. <3
I'm always happy to share what I learn and love to be involved in this amazing, supportive community that has brought us together <3