
If you are looking for content written by @vcelier, he just told you there are "78 episodes of "The Story of My Life so Far"" that you can check out. That way you can connect with him.

But also, don't forget that he posts these English translated stories so that he can CONNECT US TO THE WRITERS who have originally written them in a different language.

Either way, he does us a great favor.

The bottomline here is: Try to appreciate his effort in translating these great stories for us, so that we might see the beauty in them.

@vcelier: T'en fais pas, je te couvre. 🤣

he just told you there are "78 episodes of "The Story of My Life so Far""

Thanks for enlightening me but I can read and understand english pretty well ! I already read that and replied to it above.

And I am very well aware that his translations can help people connect to the writers but I am a follower of @vcelier and not the other writers. If I wanted to read and understand them, I would have approached and followed the other writers instead.

I would appreciate him replying @everydayart and not interested in your opinions or replies. You are deliberately making a mountain out of a molehill. I am neither up nor interested for an argument without any reason !

And you don't need to cover for @vceiler because I ain't attacking him with anything. I was just speaking generally with no intentions to disrespect anyone's efforts ! A wise person would have understood it on their own and not have created a drama for no reason !

Kindly finish it over here now !


Okay @himshweta. Have a great day! 😉